This is the picture my mommy had on her parentsoup cyberfridge that was featured back on their homepage in September.
This is my daddy and me in the hospital the day I was born, I was so small then it's hard to believe I know.
Here I am with my nana "Carol" when I was around 1-1/2 month old. Nana is my mommy's mom. You won't see any pictures with me and my mommy's daddy because he passed away on Jan. 19th, I was only 19 days old. I know he will be missed because I'm named after him.
Daddy was gone all weekend at his weekend for Army National Guard, I'm so glad to see him!
Here we are at Biloxi Beach, MS back in July. It was my first time to wiggle my toes in the sand and splash in the Gulf Coast water. Can't wait to go back again next year. Daddy was there for his 2 weeks for national guard.
Here's a cute picture mommy snapped of me playing in my playpen before I drulled all over my cute outfit. With several teeth coming in it's hard not to drull.
This is my Granddaddy "Larry" and Grandma "Basil" when I was only a month old in Kentucky. They are my daddy's daddy and stepmom.
I was dressed up for halloween as "Snow White" but my ribbon wouldn't stay on since I don't have enough hair. Hopefully next year we can find a pooh outfit that fits me, either they were way too small or too big since I'm only 10 months old
Here I'm enjoying my baba in my playpen, when I get finished I'll be up and playing, look out
Here is my cute outfit with my award after the County Fair when I placed 3rd runner up in the Little Miss Tot for 1997.
Here is a collection of some pictures my mommy put together for you to see at once, hope you like them.
In this picture are a few people, the top row of course is my mommy and daddy, then the bottom row is Richard and my Grandma (Gwen 1943-1996), Great Grandma (Lucille 1917-1995) and Great Granddad Harold Marshall. Gwen was my daddy's momma that I never met, she new I was on my way and that I was suppose to be a girl but that was all since I wasn't born until Dec. 1996. This is such a sad thing, we would of been great pals!
This is my friend Miki from Australia, her and I are very close in age and we talk to each other in emails, she is great!! Please stop in and see her homepage, she just started and its great, click here

Hope you enjoyed some of my parents favorite pictures of me and they will be changing them as I grow.