Win My Award!

Starlight Award
I would like to thank Susan from The Coop for allowing me the use of her graphics. Please be sure and visit her site.

Celestial Moon Award

Heart Award

Requirements To Win My Award

    Okay I know, rules, rules, rules. Really, it's not that bad. I just want an excuse to see your home page.

  • Sign my Guest Book.
  • Follow rule #1.
  • Fill out the form below.
  • You must link back to my page. (through the award is good)
  • Your site should be kid safe. Which means NO ADULT CONTENT! (sorry for shouting, this is very important)

    Your name:

    Your e-mail address:

    Your URL address

    What is the name of your homepage?

    Did you sign my Guestbook?

    Which award would you like?

    What page did you like the best?

    How did you find my site?

    There that wasn't too bad was it?

    Sign My Guestbook
    View My Guestbook

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