
I started making my home page just to see if I could do it. I never knew it would be so much fun,and ADDICTING!   Then I recieved an award, I always thought that awards were not important. But not any more! So here is my small, but wonderful collection of awards.

This award is just too cute, Thanks Mary!

Thanks Anna!

Thank you Cher!!! Cher has some adorable graphics a must see.

This is my very first award!! I recieved it on September 15, 1997 from Cat & Sam's Cool Home page

This award is from Sam's Cool Home Page too for my   Halloween page. Be sure and check it out.

I love Sheri's Graphic be sure and check out her page. My Parenting Links   page has a lot of her graphics.

A must see site. It is owned by Deb in Ohio. Thank you Deb.



September 23, 1997,


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Kid Links| Graphic Links| Music Links| Personal Web Pages| Halloween Links| Webrings| Win my award| Interracial Relationships| Award I've Won| Questionaire