What's Old
This page has the past forewords of the index page.
Hi Everyone.
I was back to the "home in my heart" on New Year's Day of 2002. I'll show you some photies me in Liverpool. Please visit here.
And if you can read Japanese, please visit my friend's website GIMME SOME ROCK and go to "ROCK!! AROUND THE WORLD" section. There's my trip story written in Japanese.
- 10 February, 2002
I was back to the "home in my heart" on New Year's Day of 2002. I'll soon show you some photies me in Liverpool. But please wait for a moment.
- 20 January, 2002
On Saturday night, 6th October, I was at a sports bar in Tokyo and watched Football of England on TV. I was excited when England finaly would come to Japan or Korea. Then there was a reporter of the Independent at the bar and I was interviewed. Here's an article. Enjoy yourself;
- 11 October, 2001
I went to New York and San Diego in mid August. This is my first US trip. I'll show you my photo of this trip at the travel page.
- 26 August, 2001
Ready for ROCK festival? I'm goona go to two rock festival in Japan. One is Fuji Rock Festival in Naeba, Niigata and other is Rock In Japan Festival in Hitachinaka, Ibaraki. If you wanna go there, I will make a "Base Camp" behind the audience field. Hope to meet you in the festival!
- 22 July, 2001
It's been a long time since I updated my webpage. I was very busy last two years and couldn't make new pages. Well, there's still no new page now but I added new link to another Japanese scouser's "Scouse House" to the link page.
- 8 April, 2001
Hi there, I went to the biggest rock festival in Japan in the end of July. Summer in Naeba, Niigata was sooo hot and full of rock and natural atmosphere. Check this event here for the report of Fuji Rock Festival '99.
- 8 August 1999
Oh, this is the first time to renewal this page since the New Year's day. In this half year, I went to weekend trip to Hong Kong with my friends. See where I went in Hong Kong. And I saw cats in a street. I will soon open the cats page what I saw in the world.
Apart from a travel, I was enjoyed to watch live music performances of Kula Shaker and Stereophonics this month. Both bands from U.K. In the next month, there will be the biggest rock festival in Naeba, Niigata, Japan, that I've never been experienced. It's called Fuji Rock Festival '99. I can't wait to the day.
- 19 June 1999
Ey ya,
As an adapted and adopted Scouse, I was in my virtual HOME, Liverpool around New Year's day.
I can't believe I was in my 'OME and now coming back in Japan sitting in
my room again. I can't stop crying when I think that my trip was over. Wuz it
a dream? What wuz 'appening in my 'ome coming trip? Both good and bad things
were 'appen. Well I'll tell yer how my trip wuz.
And I also visited Amsterdam, Netherlands, before and after Liverpool. Do you know there's a daily air line between Amsterdam and Liverpool? Although it's not usuful timetable to transit in Amsterdam, I could be in Liverpool directly. I love the dairy of Anne Frank. I visit her hidden house. And how nice for me, there's a small museum of cats' art, called KattenKabinet ( Cat Cabinet in English) in Amsterdam.
- 9 January 1999
Hi, I went to Hong Kong and had a lot of fun. Hong Kong is very near from Japan and can feel both Britain and China. I really want to visit again soon. Well, I'll show you my album of Hong Kong trip.
And I will visit Liverpool again in this coming year end. Now I have the Scouse Passport, yeah I'm ready to BACK HOME!
- 30 November 1998
England's football league was started. Go on our Reds. Go Michael Owen. Get the goal. How about me in the Reds?
- 10 October 1998
New pages are open. If you're from outside Japan and into Japanese writing, and you're a Beatle mania too, please look at my Japanese vinyl record collecion about the Beatles and members' single records released in Japan. You can find how Japanese letter is written on the record. Other updated pages are resume for the Society of British Culture, my Liverpool CD collection, Music and Movie pages.
- 15 August 1998
Opened the Travel page!! I went to Kamakura in the early May and met my friends. Kamakura is not so far from my home but it was first time for me to visit there. Calm and quiet town. Love there. Let's visit again with me in the Kamakura page. This trip was also for the meeting of the Society of British Culture. See my resume. Today also includes an update of my Liverpool CD collection page.
- 17 May 1998
It's gonna be Spring. I was in Kitakyusyu since last November but now I'm back in home. While I was there, I bought new computer. It's Macintosh PowerBook 2400, portable notebook computer. So I could communicate with my net friends from a hotel room.
The trip was so busy that I couldn't update my webpage well. It's still now too. Only music and movie pages are updated this time. I'll soon be open my travel page.
- 22 March 1998
Happy New Year 1998
I hope all of us a happy and healthy year.
In the begining of this year, I'll show you new Liverpool things in the CD page. I was in Liverpool 1997's new years day, but now in Japan. I hope I can visit Liverpool this year again. The best season is summer when the International Beatle Week will be held. If I can go, don't forget to go to Althorp where Diana's sleeping forever.
And the year 1998 is special year for Japan and UK. "Festival UK 98" will be held all around Japan through the year. There are many events presented by many companies or groups that promote UK related culture, arts, science and many more and these are supported by Brithish Embassy and The British Council. For more information, visit UK 98 webpage or Gate UK - Festival UK 98 page. I'm looking forward to feeling UK in Japan this year.
- 2 January 1998
Good bye 1997 and Happy New Year 1998
Thank you for visiting my web page. I've just come back home.
- 29 December 1997
This page was a index page of Cool Kats but I changed it a page for Princess Diana since the next day of her death in Paris. Hope you share my feeling.
- 15 September 1997
Why don't you visit my Scouse friends' webpages with me?? I added a lot of link pages.
Another small updated pages were; I separated the opening message from past forewards page.
- 16 August 1997
Thank you Banker Jack again, he gave me more illustlations for my webpage. Please visit The Beatless Day again.

My Japanese storys of before flying to Liverpool are going to end. Hey Kats, when will your story go to Liverpool??
- 10 August 1997
It's been very hot days in Japan. I went to Tokyo last Sunday. What for? To meet my net friends. Not just friends but give me a good music. Check out what's happend in Tokyo on late July.
It's called "The Beatless Day". Thank you friends. I had a happy time with you.
- 3 August 1997
In this weekend, I added three new pages. You know Liverpool is a city of music. I'll show you some Liverpool related CDs in My Liverpool CD page.
Don't forget I'm a cat lover. See two new my cat photos in My Cat page. And for Japanese readers, I put a second story before I fly to Liverpool.
- 20 July 1997

Hello Japanese friends, sorry to have kept you waiting. I opend first Japanese page. It's a story before I fly to England. If you can use Japanese language on your computer, you can enjoy to read it.
I also add a link to my friend's webpage. Two new Beatles' net friends and one more page. And another friend is also Japanese and studied in Oxford. Go to England Lover Friends' link page. It doesn't mean there is an English friend's page in this section at the moment. Hope to link to/from another country.
This week's update is almost Japanese page. But you can check how do I look. Go to my profile page, photo section.
Don't forget to read my third Liverpool story. I've got my first Liverpool friend.
- 13 July 1997
Sorry for not updating last weekend. I had to do work last Sunday. I always busy. In this week, I made a small change. I bought some CDs from USA by airmail. I ordered them via the Internet. Check out my Music page. I found oasis's new single in local Virgin CD shop, it was Japanese version. I want to buy UK version, thier original version. So I have to wait for more week. Can't wait anymore.
I opend What's Old page. Past 'Foreword' moved there. This page is also an update list before last week.
- 6 July 1997
I made a second Liverpool story page but I haven't been to England yet in this story. Keep on checking my page. Also added short essay of the Beatles. And made a button just to say hello to me. All you have to do is push a button.
- 21 June 1997
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