My Liverpool Story 2

Continued from previous story page.

I didn't know how to fly. I used to travel in Japan by rail. It means I knew how to get a rail ticket at a station. But I wonder how about an air. My first flight was just a couple of years ago with my co-worker. It was a domestic line from Osaka to Tokyo and I did nothing but followed him.

I wanted to fly direct to England by Virgin Atlantic. I like rock music especialy for UK rock/pops. You know Virgin has music stores here in Japan. Virgin Atlantic has high qualities of flight entertainment. And see their meal service. I wasn't a vegetarian then but I hope to be. I heard Virgin has a meal choice for vegetarian in normal menu. I thought it's a great chance to be a vegetarian.

After I decided to fly by Virgin, I went to some travel agencies in Mito to buy a discount air ticket. I asked about a discount ticket. In Japan, it's not popular to go to abroad by individual. Many people take a package tour. So, agencies didn't have an useful information for me. Finaly, the last agency I asked said they can sell a ticket for me. I asked if I could take a ticket from end of April to early May.

A next problem is a date of my flight. You may have an image of Japanese people as a hard worker. Unfortunately, it's true at one point. We work hard till late at night. It's hard to take any long term vacation. We can take a week holiday three times a year, New Year days, mid summer and end of April to early May. A last one is called 'Golden Week'. Many many people want to go anywhere in a same period. My holiday was same time too. It seemed to be hard to take an air ticket cos it was middle of March already.

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