Sam Beaudoin
Move over Max, here comes Sam.
Samuel, a boy's name of Hebrew origin, means: Asked of God; to listen. Samuel is the 26th most popular boy's name.

Look out for Sam!!! October 2002.
Sam had this photo taken at the kids school, although he doesn't start school till next year. He likes to go to the school and really likes to get his picture taken.

Click the links below to see more photos.

He was born at 1347 (1:47 pm for you civilians) on 15 May 98. He is the first person in our family who was not born on a day divisible by 8. I know that I'm weird, but I really expected him to come on his due date, the 16th. He's already trying to show his individuality.

Chloe' was allowed to come up to the birthing room and witness Sam coming into the world. When talking it over through the last few weeks before Sam was born, we thought that she might get squeemish and have to leave the room before it was over, but she proved us wrong and was wide eyed throughout the whole procedure.

Look out Mom and Dad.  Here's your next little monster.

choo, choo,...

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Sam likes to dance already!

I get my own legos.