Chloe' Beaudoin
Our one and only beautiful daughter. She loves animals and loves to read. ...and read, and read.
The name Chloe' is from the Greek and means the young grass or a blossom. Chloe is the 49th most popular girl's name.

October 2002.
October 2002.
Chloe's 7th grade school picture. She's growing quickly.

Click on the links below to see other pictures.

Chloe'- Fifth grade. Summer 2000.
Chloe'- Forth grade. All made up.
Chloe'- Third grade. Check out the glasses.
Beach girl. Black & white picture.
Harley girl. With Cousin Rene'.
The Mermaid. In Florida.
Face Painting with Grandma Barbara.

We can see you...

Here are some more flowers for Chloe'.

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Tweetie Bird!

We've seen Keiko in real life.
Hi there, Keiko.