Beaudoin Current Events

Saturday, June 26th, 2004
I think summer has arrived in NW Oregon. Today was beautiful and you wont beat the Oregon Coast temperatures in the summer.

We bought a house here in Warrenton in October. There are some pictures of it in our Yahoo Photo Album . We've done some remodeling and been working on the yard. The house was empty for about a year. It was just up the street from the last house we rented, so we didn't have to move far. The interest rates were low and the sellers gave us a great deal, so hopefully we're here to stay.

Chloe' graduated from the 8th grade this month and will start high school at the end of the summer. She's really grown up and has a great spirit and sense of humor.

Hunter is starting the 7th grade in September and will also be playing football for his middle school. He's a great kid. During the summer, he'll be participating in scout camps and start to get into Boy Scouts.

Max is starting the 3rd grade in the fall. He's our soccer pro and has become quite a master of the game. He has more energy than a nuclear bomb and it takes all we have to keep up with him.

Sam finished Kindergarten this month in a blaze of glory. He's ready for 1st grade and is growing like a weed. He hasn't found his favorite sport yet, but loves to jump on the trampoline and is becoming an expert on the Game Cube.

Kimberly is still teaching aerobics and still loves it. She has a great group of ladies who take her classes. Summer is not a break for her or I when we're constantly transporting kids from one event to another. We do our best to keep track of where each kid is at every part of the day. Kimberly is an expert at it and I haven't figured out how she does it.

I'm still flying out to and from ships. I've been doing it for about 4 years now and have worked for 3 different companies. The job stays the same, but the name on the door keeps changing. As long as they keep paying me, I'll keep doing it for them. There are also pictures of my job on our Yahoo Photo Album .

This is what is happening in our family today. What's going on with yours?
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You don't find any of these in Hawaii.