
Humm, these aren't Toggenburgs. Who slipped them in the back door? Well, if this was going to be a family project, the whole family had to be involved right? So the lamanchas are my husband Bill's. He didn't want to compete with Greg, so he chose his own breed. We have definitely decided that cream is Bill's color though. :-) When we went to choose Regina, he had his choice of a sundgau or her... well.. as you can see we have Regina. ;-)

The Experimental doe that we have is the result of a "have to do" breeding. We had to get the older toggenburg does bred, and a lamanacha buck was what we had access to. As it turns out we really like the cross and are planning more like it in the future.


+*B Secret Ravine Stormy Starmaker
Luck-O'Lake's StarMakers Racer
Luck-O'Lake's Stepp'In Out
Shevetts R Regina
CH *B Rusty-Spur EDS Summer Epic
Luck-O'Lake's Epic Journey
Luck-O'Lake's Stepp'In Out

Regina had a little bit of a rough start for us, she didn't like the replacer we put her on and I truly though she was going to die. Bill usually feeds his goats (they are his after all) when he comes home from work. Every night at 3 AM, I'd wake up and lay there waiting to hear if he was feeding her, or if she'd died in the night. Well as you can see, she pulled through. However, with all the extra babying, including increased feedings, with smaller amounts, she somehow became my goat.

Recorded Grade's

*B Winterwood's CY Mr. Man
Shevetts Stairman
Luck-O'Lake's Stair
Shevetts S Rosebud
Luck-O'Lake's Starmakers Racer
Shevetts R Judy Natalie

Ah, Rosey! 3AM feedings.... brings to mind when Greg was just a baby. Wait a minute! Greg slept through the night! This doeling is TRUELY my husbands brat, I mean goat. :-) She almost didn't go to her outside pen, I thought she was going to sleep in the house forever. She followed Bill everywhere he went. I was beginning to think my husband was going to be the only showman who had to go in the ring, CALL his goat, and teach her some tricky voice command to set her up. Leading was a foreign concept to her. She's much better now that she's sleeping outside with Regina, and "mom" taught her that evil leading stuff. Rosey is a one of a kind goat. (Don't we all say that?) She will be perfect for Bill, very forgiving and gentle.

++*B Rocking M Pierre Cardin
Shevetts PC Rainman
Shevetts M Nifty
Fern*View Damsel
+*B Circle-R Alto KP O'Toole
Dubl-Squeez Thrill
Dubl-Squeez Trixie Belden 1*M

Damsel is a very deep doeling. She is very level and high and wide in the area of the estuchon. I am very happy with this cross. Damsel has a RCH win to her credit and 4-1st place wins. Greg been showing Damsel and in fact her showed her to her Reserve win, that's a combination I don't plan to change anytime soon.

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