Reference Animals

Southview SCP Printer's Tracy
Sire: ++*B Swiss Chocolate DSR Printer
Dam: Southview Farm SZZ Venessa

Tracy pictured at 10 years old, August 1, 1995.

LA 10-00 FS 88 VEEV

Tracy was GCH Togg Doe & Best Doe in Show at 9 yrs. old, 1994 Coos Co. Fair, Myrtle Point, OR.

*B Circle R Alto KP O'Toole
Sire: ++B GCH Mount Douglas Key Principle- 1994 Premier Sire
Dam: 1*M Lyn-D-K Killarney Lass

This buck is rated excellent in head, back, rump, and rear legs.
1999 LA final score at 7-04 was 88VEE
O'Toole's 2yr old daughter in '99 was 1xBIS, 3xGCH, 6xRGCH. His dry yearling daughter was 1xBIS, 5xJrGCH, and one was Top Ten for 2000 and

O'Toole passed away in July 2000.

1*M Dubl Squeez Trixie Belden
Dubl Squeez Trixie Belden at 7 years old.
1999 LA 6-04 VEEE FS 90
DHIR 5-01 267 2730 2.9% 79lb butterfat

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