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The Ayres Memorial Animal Shelter Inc

Front view of ShelterBack view, showing part of the outdoor 'runs'

Main office
Main office
Reception window

Puppy room
For puppies and small dogs
Large dog kennel
Each cage gives the dogs inside or outside runs. Cages extends nearly to the roof to prevent the animals from jumping out.

Large dog kennel
Outside kennel runs are extensions of the large dog kennels shown above. Each cage extends outside by the same ammount it does inside. Dogs have access through special doors, which seal bad weather.

Cat room
Room for cats that are ready to be adopted. Incoming cats are kept in a separate isolated room untill they are checked and immunized.
Cat exercize room
Area offers a secure space for our shelter cats to play and exercise. See more.

Animal treatment
Toni Dybas comes uses the healing treatment, Reiki, on the animals who especially need it
Kitchen.-Volunteer cleans after meals

Exercise yard
Inside the fenced area are shelters and a wading pool that dogs love to play in.
In addition, along the left side are several large, enclosed pens that have their own roofs to keep individual dogs comfortable while being outside.

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