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The Foster Program

Top priority for the shelter is adopting out as many animals as possible into loving homes. Because many potential pet owners have doubts as to how a new dog will work out in their households, the shelter has developed a foster care program for adult dogs. People interested in the plan are given a questionnaire to fill out and the guided to an appropriate animal right for them. This trial period is predetermined before the animal leaves the shelter and the potential adopters are assured that many fees for the vet care will be paid by the shelter, also grooming and food if they would like assistance.

Manager Claire Glasser, checks over a "Foster Agreement" which will allow this family to take one of our dogs out on a trial basis for several weeeks. Before they are approved, they must first fill out a pre-adoption form to make sure they fit the Shelter's criteria for a good home.

During the test interval, it can be determined whether the dog gets along with the other pets in the home, whether he/she is good with the children, housebroken and any number of other questions that may arise in an adoption. There are no strings attached and the dog can be returned at any time.

The foster plan makes it possible for many more dogs to be given a chance because people are more willing to try an animal if they know that they can easily return him/her if problems appear. About eighty-five percent of the time the dog does work out and a finalized adoption results. Dogs who are returned are given time out of their runs and by questioning the potential adopters, the shelter can decide what kind of home the dog is suited for.

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