Jiang Hongbin
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At present, I am taking my PhD research on multinational construction enterprises: a re-examination of Eclectic Paradigm in National University of Singapore (NUS). I also anticipated some consultancy works for some foreign companies when they do business in China.

Recently I took a part-time teaching work for the final year undergrad classes on the module of Professional Practice.

  • International construction market
  • Internationalization of construction firms
  • Construction management and economics
  • Transaction cost in project procurement
  • Financial issues in construction firms and projects
  • Chinese state owned enterprises
  • History of Chinese involvement in international construction market

During the past one and half years since I took my PhD research, I have completed several academic papers jointly with A/P Low Sui Pheng and A/P Leong Hoe Yuen, these include:

  • Internationalization of Chinese Construction Enterprises, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, December, 2003, Vol. 129, No.6, 589-598 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), U.S.

  • Estimation of International Construction Performance: Analysis at the Country Level, Construction Management and Economics (CME), to be published in earlier 2004, London, UK.

  • A comparative study of top British and Chinese international contractors in the global market, approved for publication, Construction Management and Economics (CME), London, UK.

  • Chinese Connections to International Construction, In Proceedings of CIB W55, W65, W107 International Conference of Knowledge Construction, 22-24 October 2003, Singapore.

  • Measuring International Performance: Case Study of a Chinese Construction Multinational Corporation (MNC), In Proceedings of the CRIOCM International Conference of Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, Dec. 3-5, 2003, Macau.

This links to the on-line questionnaire for my PhD research.

During my teaching assignment for Professional Practice, I prepared some reading notes for students, including:

  • Examination on Financial Capacity and Solvency of a Contractor

  • A New Highway on the Ancient Silk Road: Case Study of A Highway Project in Pakistan Constructed by a Chinese Contractor

  • China State Construction Engineering Corporation: A Case Study

In 2003, I also participated the research project on the study of Public Procurement of China and Singapore, which was jointly undertaken by NUS, Davis Langdon & Seah, Singapore and Tianjin University of Technology, China.

In responding to a foreign company's request, I also provided some consultancy services for the contractual issues of doing business in China. For this, I translated the Chinese CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR WORKS OF ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION(GF-1999-0201) into English, which seems not officially available in the industry.