Jiang Hongbin
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My industrial working experience was basically in construction business development, organizational and project management in various countries for 9 years. These countries include China, Pakistan, Malaysia, the US, Belize (Central America), Guatemala (CA), Peru (South America), Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

From May 1999 to July 2001, I was Deputy General Manager, Pakistan Branch of China International Water and Electric Corporation, with the responsibilities for managing and superintending the contractual and financial implementation of several ongoing projects in Pakistan. In addition to these managerial works, my focus is also on the business development in the south Asian region, i.e.: gathering economic and marketing information, observing economic development, analyzing market trends, and forecasting and coping the potential business opportunity. In terms of the overall financial performance of the company, till to 2001 prior to the war in Afghanistan, the Branch became one of the most important profit-receiving branches for the corporation.

During the same period, I was also the Director of PAKCWE Ltd., a local private company. I was responsible for its business on import/export of machinery and equipments, and three local property development projects and their management.

From July 1995 to September 1996, I was Section Manager of Overseas Department No.1, Headquarter CWE in Beijing, responsible for the construction business investment and project development in Central & Southern America.

From Sept. 1996 to Nov. 1997, I was Assistant Project Director of ADB funded Provincial Highway Project - Contract Package No. 2 which is with a 121 km length of single two lanes carriageway at a total contract price of US$40 million. At the same time, I was also Project Manager of Mianwali Sub-Project. Major responsibilities include: in charging of the projects scheduling and programming; the overall management of Mianwali Sub-Project including contract management, construction management, quality and cost control, programming, etc.

From May 1994 to June 1995, I was Assistant Project Manager of Macal/Mollejon Hydroelectric Project in Belize, Central America. The project with an installed capacity of 3X8400KW was owned, funded and supervised by the US-based Dominion Energy Company, and contracted with us on the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis with the contract value of US$ 50 million. My duty was on the management of tunnel construction including construction scheduling, programming, cost controlling, and machinery and labor management. In addition, I was involved in contractual management and logistic/supply management for the whole project.

  • Providing some consultancies on the contractual issues for development project in China for a Singapore firm. (2002. 12)

  • Seconded to Paris, France for negotiation with a French partner on the supply contract for a hydro electrical project in Nepal. (2000.12)

  • Tendering and seconded to Sri Lanka for Colombo Urban Water Supply Project in Colombo, Sri Lanka, an ADB funded project. (1996.7-1996.8)

  • Tendering for Sai Nullah Hydro-electric Project in Gilgit, Pakistan, which is a BOT project of Biwater International Limited, one of the largest UK-based MNCs in water field. (1996.5-1996.7)

  • Seconded to the US and Guatemala for negotiating with the US energy firms and site investigation on the Rio Hondo Hydro-electric Project in Guatemala, as well as negotiating and reporting to the Minister of Energy and Public Works of Guatemala. (1996.4)

  • Seconded to Pakistan for the tendering of Sai Nullah Hydro-electric Project. (1996.6)

  • Seconded to Lima, Peru, southern America for the feasibility study of Liwa Hotel Development Project in Lima, Peru. (1996.5).

  • Seconded to Guatemala for tendering the Mopan Hydroelectric Project in Guatemala. (1995.5)

  • Working as Project Engineer in Kuala Lumpur and Penang for Penang Water Supply Project, which is funded by Malaysia Federal and Penang State Government with a contract value of US$ 72.5 million. (1993.7 to 1994.5)

  • Involving in the feasibility study of Liwagu Hydro Power Station Project, Sarawak State, Eastern Malaysia. (1994.2 - 1994.5)

  • Development of several computer software independently using Visual Basic language and MS Office Programs, including:

    • Construction Project Management System (1998.1);
    • General Civil Engineering Project Tendering Database System (1998.10);
    • Smart Account - Project Bookkeeping System (1998.12)

As mentioned above, and to be complied later.