My Sisters of the Heart

Ju, Lynn and Tori
This picture was taken in Lubbock,
Texas, when Ju (JustJu), Tori (ANGELHADEN) and I finally met in real life for the
first time. We met on the Mom's Online message board 'When a Child Dies' nearly
a year and a half ago. We have been e-mailing and talking on the phone since
then and had grown very close in spirit. It was amazing to see them, hear their
voices and give them the hugs that before this we had only sent through

When I arrived in Lubbock, I got a
little nervous, "What if I didn't recognize them, or they didn't know
me?" I had no reason to worry. I looked at the opening to the terminal and
there they were!!! The two excited ones jumping up and down with anticipation to
see me!!!! Within a few minutes of getting off the plane in Lubbock, I felt as
if I had known them my whole life.
I can't describe how very special this
short time together was. We shared our children through videos, pictures and
stories. It was wonderful to be able to truly share these things with them. I
feel now as if I have known Haden and Sydnie always. We are sure that our
children in Heaven are pleased that their moms finally met. We could just
picture them jumping up and down with excitement. We even created our own
T-Shirt to commemorate the event.

After only two days together, it was
time to leave. That was gut-wrenching. We refused to say "goodbye",
instead lots of 'see ya laters' were said and we promised to get together again
as soon as we can. We are planning to meet again in Louisiana next year. I can't

I've never had friends that understood
so completely my feelings about losing my precious Nicholas . They understand as
only another mom who has lost a child can understand. As sad as the reasons are
we met, the friendship and sisterhood we feel is pure joy.
I am so grateful to God for leading me
to them.
Your sister of the heart,

If you haven't yet read all about Ju's
beautiful daughter, Sydnie,
Or Tori's courageous son, Haden.
Please take the time to go visit their
web pages.
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