
born December
13, 1996

Noah was named for the
Biblical Noah. Noah in the Bible was a strong man who loved and obeyed God.
He was also the survivor of the drowning that decimated the family of man. As I was
9 weeks pregnant with Noah the day Nicholas died, he is also the survivor of
a devastating drowning. Just as the Biblical Noah was the second beginning to
that family, this Noah is to our family. There is another similarity, too. In
the Bible, there is nearly seven months that pass between the time it begins to
rain and the time that Noah sent out the dove that brings back the olive branch.
Noah was born almost exactly seven months after Nicholas went to Heaven.
I never knew my brother,
yet I knew him well;
Through my mother's eyes,
I've known him, and I love him still.
I'll grow tall and strong like him,
yet not like him at all.
He'll be my guardian angel, and we'll
grow through life together, as one.
I have his clothes and his toys and his
photos. I hold them dear to me.
But most of all,
I treasure loving memories.
The memories my mother gave to me.
~~Karen Hoyland, TCF, Brisbane, Australia~~

More Pictures of Nicholas
Nicholas home page
Nicholas' story
Nicholas' sister, Grace
Pool Safety