Pool Safety
The goal of this page is to save children's lives by informing adults of the importance of water safety, and their responsibility to protect their children and those of their family and neighbors from the danger that is in millions of backyards, swimming pools and spas.
Take action to protect your child!!!!
Childhood drowning and near-drowning can happen in a matter of seconds and typically occur when a child is left unattended or during a brief lapse in supervision. It often happens when a child is not last seen near the pool. Drowning have occurred when a child was thought to be in bed asleep ( even in the middle of the night!!), watching TV, or playing at the front of the house. They have been known to go out through pet doors, crawl out windows and exit doors no one knew they could open to get to the pool area.
Drowning usually occurs quickly and silently. There is no splash!! Children have been found in the pool during parties when there are many adults around the pool and no one noticed the child go into the pool.
Two minutes following submersion, a child will lose consciousness. Irreversible brain damage occurs after four to six minutes and determines the immediate and long-term survival of a child. The majority of children who survive are discovered within two minutes following submersion (92 percent), and most children who die are found after 10 minutes (86 percent). Nearly all who require cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) die or are left with severe brain injury.
Start with a non-climbable, five-foot fence that separates the pool or spa from the residence. Children should not be able to squeeze through any spaces.
Learn CPR ( Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) and keep a phone near the pool.
Fence gates, side gates and doors leading to the pool or spa are should be self-closing and self-latching with latches above a child's reach. Gates should open out (away from the pool).
Add extra layers of protection such as automatic safety covers and alarms on doors and windows leading to the water.
Drain any standing water from pool or spa covers. Remove covers completely before use and always replace immediately after use
Do not use floating pool covers. Children slip under them and become trapped out of sight.
Never leave toys in the pool or spa or in the pool area .
Remove all chairs or other objects that may be used to climb over the fences or gates.
When using the pool, assign a "water watcher". This is an adult who agrees to watch the water at all times, like a lifeguard. This is especially important when there are many people using the pool at one time.
Remember, even with all barriers in place,
Below are some sites that can give you more information about this important issue.