Turnbeaugh Family Photo Album
Although we were never given the opportunity to meet any of these fine people that should have been our relatives, I would like to dedicate this page to them. Your grandson, Kevin, would have been a very fine addition to your family if we would have all only been given the chance to get to know one another.
George Washington Gill Averett and wife, Nancy Ann Turnbaugh
Grandpa Preston Turnbeaugh..........................Grandma Elizabeth Swann
Everett, Agnes, Maude, Dorothy,
and Preston (Junior) Turnbeaugh around 1940
Uncle Clint and Aunt Elsie Turnbeaugh
around 1950
Feel free to use, duplicate or copy any of the above, and if you have any that you would care to add to our family tree, please email me and let me know. I'd love to add them!