Our Turnbeaugh Family

Our Turnbeaugh Name

Originally the name was spelled Dornbach, meaning "thorny creek". Once our German ancestors came to Pennsylvania in 1725, the name slowly started to change to Turnbach around the 1850's, reasoning unknown. To this day there still are some Dornbach's in the Pennsylvania area that are related to us. The different spellings of the name seemed to have a lot to do with where the family decided to locate.

In doing my searching, I began to just simply "collect" Turnbeaugh information of any kind I could find. My search led me to realizing that the Turnbeaugh name was changed many times. The original spelling of the name was Dornbach or Turnbach and originated in Prussia. When the Turnbach's came to American and settled in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, some remained with the original spelling but many went to other territories and slowly the name began to change. In what I have found is that those who traveled and settled in Missouri spelled their name to Turnbough, while those that settled in Illinois chose the spelling of Turnbaugh , while those that traveled onto and settled in Texas, chose the spelling of Turnbow , the Arkansas side of our family liked the spelling of Turnbo, and those that traveled to settle in the western states of California and Arizona became comfortable with the spelling of Turnbeaugh. However you want to spell the name we are somehow or another all related. The following gedcoms are names and families that I have accumulated, some of which I have not made the family connection YET... but I'm not giving up. If anyone would like to add any information to this file, please email me, and I would love to add your information as well.



It has been verified that perhaps not all, but at least a good portion of the following names are related to our family. Those names include:


Our Turnbeaugh Family

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