McKenzie's Mint

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Jesse McKenzie


1 MCKENZIE, Jesse Lee born Apr 4, 1892, Near Stewardson, Prairie TWP, Shelby Co IL; Married (Apr 24, 1917 Effingham, Effingham Co IL) LARIMORE, Mary Edith; died Aug 19, 1961, Shelbyville; Shelby Co IL; buried Beecher City Cemetery; occ. Precision Grinder, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island Co IL. Photo of Jesse McKenzie, a sailor, about 1910


2 MCKENZIE, Lee Wiley born May 3, 1856, New Castle, Henry Co IN; Married (Apr 22, 1880 Hamilton Co IN) MCKINZIE, Emma C.; Married 2nd (Aug 2, 1886 Hamilton Co IN) WADE, Edith Jane "Eda"; Married 3rd (Mar 19, 1925 IL) LORTON, Bertha F.; died Jan 19, 1946, Beecher City, Effingham Co IL; buried Beecher City Cemetery; occ. livestock raiser.
Photo of tombstone of Lee's first wife, Emma, buried Spencer Cemebery, Sheridan, IN.
Photo of tombstone of Lee and second wife, Edith.   (Lee's dates were simply added to her tombstone.)

3 WADE, Edith Jane "Eda" born Aug 10, 1858, Stewardson, Shelby Co IL; died Apr 11, 1922, Beecher City, Fayette Co IL; buried Beecher City Cemetery.


4 MCKINZIE, James born circa 1829, OH; Married (Aug 22, 1850 Putnam Co IN) SINCLAIR, Martha Ann; Married 2nd (May 21, 1863 Shelby Co IL) DRAKE, Mary A.; died between 1884 & 1893, probably KS or MO; occ. Farmer. [* Note 1]

5 SINCLAIR, Martha Ann born circa 1834, IN; died circa 1861, Prairie TWP, Shelby Co IL; buried Coons Cemetery; occ. Wife/Mother; Died at age 27 yrs, 7 mos, 2 days.[* Note 2]

6 WADE, James Harvey born Oct, 1825, KY; Married (Sep 14, 1848 Shelby Co IL) HOUCHIN, Malissa M.; died 1910, Big Spring TWP, Shelby Co IL; buried Spain Cemetery; occ. Farmer.

7 HOUCHIN, Malissa M. born Feb, 1825, KY; died 1911, Big Spring TWP, Shelby Co IL; buried Spain Cemetery.


8 MCKINZIE, Washington born Nov 23, 1806, Jackson Co OH; Married (before 1828) SPENCER, Susan; died Oct 30, 1873, Adams TWP, Hamilton Co IN; buried Spencer Cemetery, Sheridan, IN, Photo of tombstone; occ. Farmer; Trustee of Adams TWP in 1865.

9 SPENCER, Susan born Oct 31, 1810, Greenbrier Co VA (now WV); died Mar 11, 1896, Adams TWP Hamilton Co IN; buried Spencer Cemetery, Sheridan, IN, Photo of tombstone; Settled in Hamilton Co. 1833.

10 SINCLAIR, Isaac P. Jr. born roughly 1800; Married (roughly 1822) MARTIN, America L.; died Oct 25, 1854, Greencastle, IN.

11 MARTIN, America L. born roughly 1805, KY; died 1878, IN.

12 WADE, Alexander born circa 1797, KY?; Married (before 1825 KY) ???, Paulina living Oct 22, 1850, Wabash TWP, Shelby Co IL; occ. Farmer [Note: Born AL, NC, and GA per son James's Census reports]. [* Note 3]

13 ???, Paulina (Wade) born 1805, KY; living Oct 22, 1850, Wabash TWP, Shelby Co IL. [* Note 4]

14 HOUCHIN, John born circa 1795, KY; Married (before 1823) ???, Frances "Fanny" B.; died Nov 3, 1862, Paradise, Coles Co IL; occ. Farmer.

15 ???, Frances "Fanny" B. born Jan 9, 1797, GA?; died Apr 15, 1879, Big Spring, Shelby Co IL; buried Wabash Point Cemetery; [Note: Per Census records, born in NC (1850); Ger (1860); GA (1870)]. [* Note 5]


16 MCKINZIE, John born Feb 21, 1782, VA; Married (before 1804 OH/VA?) REED, Mary; died Aug 3, 1861, Adams TWP, Hamilton Co IN; buried Spencer Cemetery, Sheridan, IN, Photo of tombstone.

17 REED??, Mary born Apr 6, 1786, VA; died Mar 22, 1856, Adams TWP, Hamilton Co IN; buried Spencer Cemetery, Sheridan, IN, Photo of tombstone; occ. Wife/Mother. (Most McKenzie researchers have accepted that Mary's last name was Reed, however, although there are records show her name was Mary, and although there was a John McKensey who married a Polly Reed - I've found no proof that this Mary's last name was Reed.)

18 SPENCER, Thomas B. born 1762, Greenbrier Co WV (was VA then); Married (before 1803) ???, Mother of Susan Spencer; died 1845, Gallipolis, Gallia Co OH; occ. Farmer. [Father possibly also Thomas Spencer

20 SINCLAIR, Isaac S. Sr. born roughly 1775, VA; Married (before 1800) PATTERSON, Anna; died c. 1852, Greencastle, Putnam Co IN.

21 PATTERSON, Anna born roughly 1780; died c. 1865, IN.


40 SINCLAIR, Isaac S. born roughly 1744, Prince William Co VA; Married (roughly 1766 VA) ???, Letitia (Sinclair); died after 1775.

41 ???, Letitia (Sinclair) born roughly 1747, Prince William Co VA; died after 1777.


80 SINCLAIR, Wayman born 1710 to 1720, Cameron Parish (or Stafford Co), Loudon Co VA; Married (before 1742 VA) SHIRLEY, (Mary?); Married (1760 Cameron Parish, Loudoun Co VA) (SMALLWOOD) SMITH LINTON, Hester; died before Jul 13, 1762, Cameron Parish, Loudon Co VA.

81 SHIRLEY, (Mary?) born roughly 1720; died roughly 1758, VA.


160 SINCLAIR, Alexander born roughly 1687, Glasgow, SCOTLAND; died after 1710, VA.


Additions, Corrections and Substantiating Proofs Welcome

Wood Bar

My Wish List for this Line

* Note 1 on # 4 above: Any information on the death date or death place of James McKENZIE (McKINZIE), would be greatly appreciated.
He has a grandson who is still living and would very much like to visit his grave.

* Note 2 on # 5 above: YIPEE !! I finally found the maiden name of this Martha, wife of James McKENZIE (McKINZIE)!! with the help of a wonderful gentleman from Indaian (actually, he found it and told me.) And he not only found her last name, but the names of her parents and 3 of the grandparents!! Thanks Bill!

* Note 3 on # 12 above: Information on the death date or death place of Alexander WADE, would be greatly appreciated. (Definitive birth information would also be welcome :-> )

* Note 4 on # 13 above: Any information regarding the maiden name & vital statistics of this Paulina, wife of Alexander WADE, would be greatly appreciated.

* Note 5 on # 15 above: Any information regarding the maiden name & vital statistics of this Frances B., wife of John HOUCHIN, would be greatly appreciated.

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