I have learned so much from all the generous folks on the WWW who share their
graphics and their tips, that I wanted to return the favor.
Therefore, I'm adding a few tips of my own, along with some of the
graphics I've made in hopes that I can help someone else as
others have helped me. Enjoy!

 A Variety Of Buttons And Bars - Free For You To Use.
 A Few Things You Can Do With Layers and Paint Shop Pro 5
 Presets for a great new Paint Shop Pro filter called Blade Pro

This Web Site designed and maintained by
J. L. McKenzie
URL /Heartland/Pointe/4808/graphics.html
Last Updated: October 3, 2002
COPYRIGHT © 1998 - 2002 J. L. McKenzie
Site Map

When someone does something good, Applaud!
You will make two people happy.
--- Samuel Goldwyn

Since August 13, 1998

Visit JadeCat Graphics, too.