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Tristan's Hideout
The music is from "Toy Story"...my favorite movie!
Whew! I finally got my own page..a little spot I can call my own. And I don't have to share it with anybody...especially that crazy dog...he thinks he is the boss of EVERYTHING!! Here is a place I can just kick back and be myself. And who am I you ask? Well, I'm that little guy you see in that picture right up there. My name is Tristan, and I just turned 2 years old on October 31. Yep, I'm a Halloween baby...it's so much fun!! I get to dress up and go trick-or-treating on my birthday, and last year I was a dalmation and this year I was a fireman!!
I love to watch Sesame Street...Cookie monster is the best! I also like to go to the park and go down that big curly slide (eventhough some people may think I'm too small!) My Daddy is so proud of me cause I help Mom with lots of chores. I help with laundry, dusting, and even help water the plants outside (actually I only like to play in the water but don't tell my Daddy, ok?)
One of my favorite places to go is the zoo. Want to see some pictures from the Houston Zoo? Click Here!!
Come visit some wild and wooly cyber critters
Here are some fun links my mom has found!
Billy Bear's Playground
PBS - Kids
The Children's Television Workshop (Sesame Street)