See who else came by for a visit! *S*

Scrappy Kat - 10/25/00 00:56:03
My Email:
Where are you from?: Florida USA
How did you hear about my site?: webring
Favorite Quote: "The boogey man is coming" HALLOWEEN 1978
You're site is great!
Haunting it was a pleasure.
I really enjoyed my visit.
You'd be a welcome addition to Scrappy's Halloween Top Sites list.
I really like your spooky sense of style.

"As quick as I flew in,
I'll fly out again.
But in the air I leave the witchy spirit that is me!"

Lady Morrigan - 09/18/00 04:14:54
My Email:/Heartland/Valley/2686/
Where are you from?: Ohio
How did you hear about my site?: Just Surfing..*S*
Just a note to let you know I stopped by for a visit...You have done wonderful with your pages...soo inviting...Thank You...*S*... My alter ego is Lady Morrigan of from the DMadd Hatters Team at The Site Fights...I think that you might really do well over at our web competition. Stop on by and take a look at my Team at the following url:

Lightning - 07/16/00 22:21:59
My Email:
Where are you from?: US
How did you hear about my site?: Webring
Hi! You have a very nice website! Please stop by and take a look at our new Jolts Website competitions. I am the Hobby Team Leader. My page will tell you all about the Hobby Team, and there is a link to the main Jolts site, where you can see informatio on the other Teams.

adrian constant - 04/10/00 15:47:11
Good to see that u are still interested and building your site. Since building Casa Constant I have been pretty bust but hope to restart again soon with another family site from Brazil

Deanna Caskey Moss - 02/08/00 10:07:14
Where are you from?: Saginaw, Texas
How did you hear about my site?: search
Please tell jody to email me. I am an old friend and he should call my mom more to keep in touch. Class reunion this year.

Kerry Booth - 01/18/00 03:20:24
My Email:
Where are you from?: Enumclaw Wa
How did you hear about my site?: Surfed In
Favorite Quote: ???
Great Site.. Do you know anyone Looking to Lose weight Feel Great or Just to Earn a Few Extra Dollars?? If so come to my Site and Ask for your Free Catalogs and Information!! Have a Great Day!!

Andrew A. Ramirez - 01/13/00 19:17:52
Where are you from?: California
How did you hear about my site?: search
I would like to thank you for your kindness and just for caring enough about our situation to put it up on your website. I cannot thank everybody, but I can at least thank some of the people who supported us in any way. I hope you receive this message. Th nk you. SSG Andrew A. Ramirez

Melinda... aka Rowan - 12/15/99 05:22:47
My Email:
Where are you from?: Baltimore, Maryland
How did you hear about my site?: just surfed in
Favorite Quote: " battle is ever won... They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools." -Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury
Howdy. I was just surfing the 'net out of boredom and procrastination and came upon your page... needless to say it stopped me because my chat nickname is Rowan, and then I was pretty floored to see that your name is Malinda. Mine is Melinda... weird, huh? I mean, sure, I know people with my chat name, and sure I know people with my real name, but someone who shares them both? Never! :) I couldn't help saying "hi". :)

Bud Wiser - 10/30/99 22:18:09
My Email:
Where are you from?: Fayetteville, NC
How did you hear about my site?: Surfed
Favorite Quote: It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.
Enjoyed visiting your site.

sandi guzman - 10/29/99 20:33:20
My Email:Oct 29,1999-1:33pm
Where are you from?: so san francisco. ca
How did you hear about my site?: web surfing
Favorite Quote: if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything.
I enjoyed the website. From the Halloween treats to the animal website which I will check out after after finishing my comments. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!

Gerry - 10/28/99 11:20:27
Where are you from?: Dublin
How did you hear about my site?: surfing
Favorite Quote: I can resist everything except temptation
Good site for kids, but needs more visuals.

D.J. - 10/03/99 17:42:34
Where are you from?: Texas
How did you hear about my site?: I searched
Favorite Quote: To be or not be that is the question
I liked your site but to me it was just kinda boring

TeresaR - 08/26/99 02:27:46
My Email:
Where are you from?: NC
How did you hear about my site?: Military pets ring
Hey, great site! My Lisa can't figure out why you like cats,,, but she figures, each to their own. LOL. Drop by and visit my newest page about military members and their pets. Feel free to pass it on, or even add ideas for it!

Angelee - 08/12/99 02:38:39
My URL:firefox67@hotmail
My Email:http://
Where are you from?: west plains, missouri
How did you hear about my site?: stumbled on it
Favorite Quote: there you go
I love your site. Ive allways loved Halloween. Its next to X-mas. Hope to see more and keep the good work.

Birdman - 08/08/99 14:15:05
Where are you from?: Maine
How did you hear about my site?: From you Silly!
Looking great as usual Rowan! Just wanted to check in and say HI Hope all is well with you and your family. Your Old Friend "Birdman" :-)

The Night Wanderer - 08/08/99 03:35:08
My Email:
Where are you from?: Texas
It is hard for me to express how much I have enjoyed the visit to your wonderful pages. The Night Wanderer would like to cordially invite you to follow the eagle to the place where friendship and fun is the order of the day. Please stop by the Soaring Eagles Team and see what fun a competition amongst other fine Webmasters can be. We are a team with great spirit that competes in The Sights Fights.

ron - 07/25/99 04:30:01
Where are you from?: TEXAS
How did you hear about my site?: looking for Amarillo by morning
u did a good job...keep it up

Kathy - 07/04/99 03:36:54
Where are you from?: Alabama
How did you hear about my site?: From a friend's email message
Favorite Quote: "More important than the treasures of the storehouse are the treasures of the body and the treasures of the heart are the most valuable of all"
After I checkout your website, I will make comments. Thanks

Roberta - 05/04/99 19:00:19
My Email:/Heartland/Lake/9478/main.html
Where are you from?: Michigan
How did you hear about my site?: Heartland Carnival Webring
Favorite Quote: Live Life To The Fullest Before It passes you by
You have a really nice homepage!! I'm going to have to tried some of those desserts you have... They sound REAL good!!

Amee - 05/03/99 21:19:35
My Email:
Where are you from?: Washington State
How did you hear about my site?: Moms and Boys
Great site! I enjoyed my visit!

Norma - 04/26/99 01:37:03
Where are you from?: Nebr
How did you hear about my site?: On your homepage

Nellie - 04/25/99 05:29:57
My Email:
Where are you from?: Calgary, Alberta (Canada, for the geographically-challeneged)
How did you hear about my site?: You!
Favorite Quote: "Destiny isn't real until it has already come."
Great page! I love some of those midis. Might come back and "permanently borrow" (in the words of one of my friends) a few. ;) **Nellie**

Mark - 04/24/99 22:02:04
Where are you from?: Edmonton, Canada
Great page!

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