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Here is my menagerie of cyber critters. They love it here so please don't kidnap them. If you would like to have one of your own just click on the certificate/icon next to each animal to adopt one of their friends!
Here is Herb my adopted pet flea...Hey even a flea needs a home!
He is my first adopted pet. I thought I should start off small, and what is smaller and better than a flea??
Meet my Woobie Quincy. Isn't he the cutest??

This is my beautiful horse Dartanion...he traveled all the way from NightStorm Stables
Here is my adopted pooch Jazz!!

This is fluff!

Here are the Purp Beans. They are very gregarious so there are always several around. They have their very own pet, Millie the hedgehog!

Meet the Purp Beans' little hedgehog Millie. Millie is only 31/2 months old, and I've been told her favorite food is marshmallows ... got any s'mores???
This is Garth my wishling...can you guess who his favorite singer is?? If you listen closely your can hear him playin' "Friends in Low Places". He provides most of the music here, and the other critters are so happy he decided to make this place his home.
Ocean Realm
Mystical Realm