Are you planning an holiday in Italy?

italian version

It's a wonderful idea! Here are some useful info and links for you:

Italian currency: Lira (1US $ = about 1800 Lit)
(check The Universal Currency Converter(tm) for an exact change)
Temperature Unit: Celsius degree F=(1.9*C)+32
Lenght Unit: meter (1 meter = about 1.09 feet)
Weight Unit: gram (1 gram = about 0.03 oz)
Capacity Unit: liter (1 liter = about 0.22 gallons)
Telephone prefix: +39

National Canine Society: E.N.C.I. (belongs to F.C.I.)
Hotels Booking Center - Italy: 167-015772

If your dog must fly abroad, you need to know a lot of things about airlines rules, paperworks, quarantine, shots and so on.

Here is a list of countries where the quarantine is compulsory:

If you want to attend some dog show during your holiday, check here the dates of the shows in Italy and in Europe. You can also spend your holidays at our school, Biancospino: they organize holidays, courses, trials...

Here are some useful links for you:

If you plan to come in Italy, let us know!

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