Attilio Carlesso and
"Allevamento dei Sette Laghi" kennel
Attilio Carlesso with his dogs.
Attilio was the first CC breeder in Italy.
Attilio Carlesso began his adventure with the Chinese
Crested Dogs in 1988, with a bitch from Switzerland, Golden Remy Honeymoon.
He started breeding 18 years before, getting the ENCI placard when there
were still few professional breeders in Italy. And also getting quite a
lot of successes, thanks to his fabled afghans and fabulous poodles.
He imported cresteds from other countries, then produced his own dogs,
that had nothing to envy to the foreign ones. Also because earnestness
and commitment always give their results. In fact, in just 1994, he got
3 worldwide titles and 3 european titles.
World Champions are: Hong Kong Revolution, How To Be Naomi
and Hamamelis, European Champions are: Heaven Hot Space,
How To Be Naomi and Hong Kong Revolution, all from "Sette
It's a triumph, the prize for the hard work. And a great capacity and competence,
since Attilio could get the best from two different breeds, afghans and
But that's not all. There was also a deep love for his dogs. He said they
were jealous of their dogs, and were always sad to see them going away.
Even if they were sure that the dog was going to a good loving home. People
who want a crested know what they are looking for, they have definite preferences
and passion, and they are very demanding. They don't care too much for
the price and, taking a dog at these conditions, means that they will sure
take proper care of him. However, Attilio was very careful to decide if
someone could be a good owner or not.
Now that he is nomore with us, we all miss him, his competence, his love.
Thank you, Attilio, for all the joy that each one of your dogs brings to
his family. We will never forget you.