
Medicine Cabinet For Bunny Owners
Things to have on
hand for emergencies
Whether you share your life with a barn full of rabbits or have only
one or two pet bunnies, you should always have a few emergency medical
supplies on hand.
Depending on your experience and need, your medicine cabinet might
include sutures, injectables, and scalpels. Large wounds or injuries
and any unfamiliar illness should be treated by a qualified
veterinarian, preferably one with knowledge of rabbits. A rabbit
breeder has oftentimes gained enough expertise through years of
experience to treat many minor problems themselves.
I have tried to compile a list of useful items to be included in
the "beginners and pet owners" medicine chest. Many of these items are
probably already present in most households and are perfectly safe to
use on your bunny. A good rule to follow when obtaining medications not
specifically for rabbits is - Just about anything you can use on cats,
you can use on rabbits. Like cats, rabbits continuously groom
themselves, thus ingesting whatever is on them.
A mild broad spectrum antibiotic in soluble form, to be mixed with
your rabbits drinking water. The product that I use is made for poultry
and sold in Feed & Seed stores. Dosage is 1/4 Teaspoon per 32 ounce
water bottle, no longer than 10 days. It is safe to use with young
bunnies and helps alleviate certain respiratory infection and enteritis
Widely available in pet stores and super markets, this is an
essential product to have in case of ear mite infestation. Follow the
directions given on the bottle and gently cleanse the affected ear with
a Q-Tip afterwards.
Administer just a few drops every 4 to 6 hours to any young bunnies
showing signs of diarrhea. Older animals can be given more, about 1cc.
Withholding treats and pellets for 8 hours and offering large amounts
of good quality hay is beneficial during treatment. Dry oatmeal will
also help with an upset tummy.
Again purchase only products designed for cats and kittens and only
use when needed. Bunnies in short coat are good candidates for this
treatment if you notice any fleas or fur mites ( indicated by very oily
bare spots, covered in crusty dandruff ). Watch for any allergic
reactions, just to be on the safe side.
It is very important to clean any small injuries, such as scratches or minor cuts to prevent infection.
Apply to any injuries after they have been cleaned.
Alleviates the discomfort of sore hocks and reduces swelling. Apply
the ointment twice daily to the rabbits hocks if the foot pads look red
and sore. Thoroughly disinfecting the cage floor, keeping it spotless
and adding straw to sit on is important during treatment.
This is a must if you have babies! Use when an eye infection is
indicated ( red puffy eyes that run, or are matted shut ). Clean eye
thoroughly with warm water, then apply ointment once a day until
infection and signs are gone.
These are just a few basic first aid items that every bunny owner
should have. Remember, when in doubt please call a vet or a breeder you
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