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To litter train your bunny is not difficult, but may take a little time. It is best to start with a young rabbit that is between 6 and 13 weeks old, as this age group adjusts to house living quicker than older ones. It isn't imposable to train an older one, but may take a little more patience. Here is a list of items you will want to have on hand before you start.
STEP 1 Place the new bunny in the cage you have purchased . Observe which corner the bunny uses to urinate in. Once a rabbit has picked out one spot to use as it's toilet, it will always use the same spot. STEP 2 Put your litter box over the toilet corner. Once you are sure the bunny is using the box, you may start handling your new pet. Start by removing the bunny for 10 to 15 minutes several times a day. The bunny, if treated in a gentle manner will soon come to enjoy it's outside time of it's cage. Always use common sense when small children play with the bunny. If the bunny is dropped, or squeezed to hard, it's back can be broken very easily. STEP 3 Once your bunny gets use to everyone, you can leave it out of it's cage for longer periods of time. Watch it carefully, and return it to the cage if it shows signs of lifting it's tail to urinate. If you catch it, spray it with the water bottle and return it to the cage. By the end of the third week you should be able to leave the door of it's cage open when you are home. ( Never leave your pet home alone out of it's cage. Rabbits love to chew on things. Chewing an electrical cord can be disastrous! ) If you catch the bunny using your favorite rug, or corner for a litter spot, spray apple bitters on that area. He will not return. Never hit your bunny, this will only make it mean and aggressive. STEP 4 Rabbits love to chew. They chew on lamp cords, TV cords, phone cords, table legs, carpet, and unattended feed containers. Try rubbing tobacco sauce on the cords and other items in which it shows interest in tasting. When you catch it chewing on something that is a no-no, use your spray bottle and soak it. Bunnies do not like to be sprayed with water! STEP 5 When you leave home for the day or even a few minutes, put your bunny back in it's cage. Accidents can't happen if your bunny is in it's cage. It may prevent loss of life from an electrical cord, or your favorite antique! Never leave a bunny unattended. STEP 6 The bunny will still leave small fecal droppings here and there. Whisk them up with your dust pan and broom. Do not leave droppings on the floor, as this will encourage it to use that area for a toilet.
House bunnies will enjoy a trip out to the back yard to run and dig. If you do not have a yard, your pet may be trained to a leash and harness. Never leave your pet is the direct sun in it's cage, box, etc.. Bunnies will heat-stress very quickly, and have a heart attack. Use common sense with your bunny, and you will have a sweet, loving pet for many years!
This page was last updated 10/10/2005 Home
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