Notes and Disclaimer

flowered separator

It is my intention to put together an honest website, and I do not intend to violate any guidelines, or infringe on anyone's copyrights or trademarks. I do take responsibility for my own content; however, if I have accidentally violated the aforementioned, please be forgiving. I will rectify the situation as soon as I know of it.

The basic site was created over the Christmas Vacation, 1996. Nothing more happened here until Summer 1997. I began practicing HTML first over at my Angelfire page, but only the very basics. It wasn't until July that I got really serious about my page. I also discovered just how easy HTML is!

This site was built primarily with Notepad. It is best viewed with Netscape 4.0+, although it is optimized for web interoperability. Except for wakymain.htm and wakymenu.htm, all Second Home pages are valid HTML 4.0. Making all HTML files valid at this time would ruin the appearance and functioning of my site. However, you should have no trouble with the code I have used.

Foreign Content

Guestbooks Banners Counters Page Ratings Other Images Sounds

I am not responsible for the content or links of the banners, nor for the content of the pages which I link to, though I have tried my best to make sure that they are as acceptable as possible.

I have used only such graphics as were permitted by their owners and/or those without copyright. Where I have used others' graphics, credit has gone/will go to the creators/owners. Please be patient as I formulate a master list of image sources, I expect it (and my page) to be an ongoing project forever.

Please do not "borrow" or use any graphics on your own pages until you have checked with the original source and/or contacted me. I will do my best to make the list complete, accurate and up-to-date.

Thank you for your time.

The old Guestbook is courtesy of Yahoo! GeoCities, and the code therefore belongs to them. To use them, you must become a member.
The guestGear Guestbook and icon are courtesy of htmlGEAR, and the code therefore belongs to them. To use them, you must get your own guestGEAR.
The LinkExchange banners are courtesy of bCentral, and the code therefore belongs to them. To use them, you must become a member.
The FastCounter counters are courtesy of bCentral, and the code therefore belongs to them. To use them, you must become a member.
Page Ratings
The Family-Friendly Site icon is courtesy of Virtuocity, and thus belongs to them. To use it, your site must meet their criteria.
The Safe Surf icon is courtesy of SafeSurf, and thus belongs to them. To use it, your site must meet their criteria.
The Better Builders logo is courtesy of Tripod, and thus belongs to them. To use it, you must become a member of Better Builders at Tripod.
The HTML 4.0 Validator icon is from The World Wide Web Consortium, and thus belongs to them. To use it, the page displaying the icon must conform to HTML 4.0 by using their HTML Validation Service.
Other Images
Main background, Side-bar background, Halloween background, and Halloween side-bar background are all MINE from Wacky Anne's World.
Library Book, Cute Devil, and Flowered Separator are all from Angelfire.
Woobie Turtle #1, Woobie Turtle #2, and the Woobie Certificate are by Gazoo and Ktoon at WoobieWorld.
Yummy Candy Corn, Spacer, Coming Soon, Fixed, Lavalamp #1, Lavalamp #2, Lavalamp #3, Lavalamp #4,Lavalamp #5,Lavalamp #6,Lavalamp #7,Lavalamp #8, Lavalamp #9, Lavalamp #10, Lavalamp #11, Lavalamp #12, New, Small turtle, Model train, and VW Bug are all of so far untraceable origin.
For details on the Christmas Images, please see the Christmas Home Notes and Disclaimer.
Popcorn is from an unknown source.
For details on the Christmas Music and Christmas Carols, please see the Christmas Home Notes and Disclaimer.

Main Living Room Hobby Room Library Kids' Room Garage
What's New Site Map Wacky Links
To the Front Door

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Email Me!

Most content and format on these pages ©Copyright 1996-2000 Anne Thornton.
For the exceptions, please read the notes and disclaimer.

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