Wacky Anne's Second Home

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This page is essentially going to be a ever-ongoing, mish-mash of me. Here is where you'll be able to explore my interests, my hobbies and soon even my projects. At first it went slowly because I didn't have either the time or the courage to attempt HTML. Once I tried I discovered just how simple it is! So why don't YOU try? Yahoo! GeoCities and Tripod both offer free homepages and great support.

Welcome! Come on in:
The Living Room:
Interior decorating and design - My hobby, my passion, my future career!
The Rumpus Room:
Retro art and design - plus lovely lava lamps!
The Hobby Room:
A beginner's guide to scale models and miniatures of all kinds!
The Library:
Books and comics! Sci-Fi mostly...
The Kids Room?
Pogo, the Smurfs, Kinder Gnomes and other cute little fellas...
The Garage:
The VW Beetle! My dream car for oh! so long...
What's New!
The latest additions to Wacky Anne's Second Home.
Wacky Links!
A list of the next-best spots on the net - after mine, of course!
Read My Guestbook! Sign My Guestbook!
Wacky Anne's Christmas Home!
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My Christmas display...

My Second Home has welcomed more than Counter people since September 14th, 1997.
(Thanks to bCentral FastCounter)

These pages were last updated October 10th, 2000.

Valid HTML 4.0! Family-Friendly Site SafeSurf Rated All Ages guestGEAR

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Email Me!

Most content and format on these pages ©Copyright 1996-2000 Anne Thornton.
For the exceptions, please read the notes and disclaimer.