Kick off yer boots, relax, and stay a while. There's a lot of loot for the takin'... don't you worry about the Law, though. This here hideout is one of the few along the Outlaw Trail that rangers and bounty hunters avoid like the plague. Yer as safe as an ugly widow at an icecream social. Snoop around and nab whatever suits yer fancy.
By the way, we're always lookin' for easy pickins. If you have a collection of copyright or royalty FREE graphics, images, or icons posted or available for our poke, drop us a line, okay? You scratch our back, we'll scratch yers. But I'll bet yer mostly itchin' to get yer grubby little hands on some loot, ain't ya? So . . .
Below you'll find an index of various items that you may want to snitch. We've tried to organize them into logical categories for yer convenience. But then, if we were logical, we wouldn't be spending all our time doing this.
If yer new at this game, just right click the image yer after, and choose "Save As". Then, if yer satisfied with the default file name, select any specific directory (on yer hard disk drive or a floppy disk) in which to save the image. That done, choose SAVE. Some folks we know create a downloads folder right on their desktop (Win95 only) or a shortcut there to a temporary folder or directory on their hard drive. You may want to create sub-folders in yer permanent image folder, similar to the below categories as example, to save time when later you want to find something specific, i.e., aminations, animals, people, etc. I'm basically lazy so go a step or two further, creating even more lower levels, like: C:\images\western\animals\bovine
But perhaps you enjoy juggling huge folders chucked full of dissimilar items.
The overwhelming majority of our images are Western, country, or nature orientated. The exception are the images found under Fun Stuff. Even us country bumpkins like a good laugh.
All images posted on Robbers Roost have been represented as copyright or royalty free. If you have information to the contrary, please notify us immediately.
Have fun !

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Copyright 1997-1999 LaVone Luby -- All Rights Reserved
Site Design 1997 by Carol Tallman Jones -- All Rights Reserved