WILD YEAST SOURDOUGH STARTER (Mom's & Dad's wild-horse camp Recipe)
Boil 2 medium-sized, chopped-up spuds in 3 cups water until tender
Drain off and cool 2 cups of the water
Mix cooled potato water with 2 cups flour and 2 tablespoons sugar in a crock (don't use metal)
Cover with a light cloth and keep in a warm place
Stir every day until mixture bubbles and is lively enough to use (24 to 48 hours)
Never use it all up (or give it all away). Hold back 1 cup.
At least once a week: Add 2 cups flour & 2 cups water to keep yeast alive.
(If not used and replenished this starter will go FLAT and you'll have to restart.) Can be put in a mason jar (or small crock with lid) and given to friends. Makes a great gift when given along with these instructions and recipes!

(the night before) Mix 1/2 cup starter with 1 cup milk (or water) and 1 cup flour
Cover and keep warm (room temperature) overnight
(in mornin') Pour batter into bowl with 1 cup flour spread on bottom and up sides of bowl
Mix together:
1 teaspoon baking' powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking' soda
1/2 cup flour
Sprinkle this mixture over the batter and stir in easy
Knead until smooth and elastic
Pinch off biscuits (or roll out on floured board and cut with cutter. (If'n yore afoot fer a cutter, a drinkin' glass or tin cup with a fairly thin edge will work fine.)
Crowd biscuits close together in a greased 9-inch pan (Dutch oven if cookin' on a campfire)
Let raise 1/2 hour and bake
or: Dip each biscuit top in melted bacon grease and place (dipped side up) on a cookie sheet and bake
Bake medium-hot (approx. 350 degree oven) until light golden-brown (time will vary depending' on bakin' vessel)
Mix 1/2 cup starter with 1 1/2 cup milk (or water) and 1 cup flour and 1 pinch of salt
Mix in 1 beaten egg
Stir in milk (or water) until batter is consistency desired for either waffles or hotcakes
Pour on lightly greased hot grill (or fryin' pan) and cook approx. 1 1/2 to 2 min. on each side until light golden brown (hotcakes are ready to turn when small bubbles appear on their tops & outer edges dry)
Top waffles with frozen strawberries (chopped, thawed and sweetened to taste) and Cool Whip or whipped cream. Serve with link sausages. A truly Holiday breakfast treat
1 1/2 lb. roast beef per person
3 teaspoons bacon grease or vegetable oil
1 beef bouillon cube
1 cup boiling water
4 teaspoons catsup
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 small onion
1/2 clove garlic (minced)
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon celery salt
1 small can mushrooms
4 teaspoons flour
1 cup sour cream
- Heat bacon grease or vegetable oil in Dutch oven (don't let the fire get too hot)
- Add roast and brown on all sides
- Dissolve the bouillon cube in boiling water
- Add catsup, Worchestershire sauce, chopped onion, salt, garlic, garlic salt, and pepper. Stir and pour over roast.
- Put the lid on and cook for 2 to 2 1/2 hours over low heat (in oven, 250 degrees) until the meat is tender
- Remove Dutch oven from heat and take out roast
- Blend flour into cooled liquid to make gravy
- Return to heat and add mushrooms and sour cream (stir until gravy is smooth and hot)
- Slice beef and serve with gravy
Granny's Tips:
- During the last hour of cooking, add spuds, carrots, and quartered small onions (don't forget to remove them from the Dutch oven the same time as the roast)
- Add 4 tablespoons brown sugar and 1/2 cup white wine, or 1/2 teaspoon white wine vinegar to water
- Make gravy the same way but leave out the sour cream
- Corn Starch may be used in place of flour (dissolve in small amount of water before adding to liquid
- You may need to add more water.

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Site Designed 1997 by Carol Tallman Jones -- All Rights Reserved