Safety is a very important part of being a nanny. As a nanny it is our job to keep the children safe at all times. Knowing what to do in an emergency is also important.
Every nanny should attend a basic first aide class as well as a CPR class, this we all know. But what a lot of nannies forget is the basic things they can do to prevent accidents. Here are some of those things.
1. While cooking always keep the handle of the pot away from the edge of the stove so an exploring child will not be tempted to grab it. Also if you watch older children teach them this as well, it will become habit to them and possibly prevent an accident in the future with their own children.
2. Bike helmets, wear them! Also if you ride with the children wear one too. If skating, wear pads and helmets, but also do not forget the wrist guards! The doctor told us at one physical when the charge said she did not wear them that he sees a lot of broken wrists from kids who fall while roller blading. Shortly after one of their friends came over with a broken wrist, he fell while roller blading! So please teach the children to use protective gear.
3. Seat belts are to be worn at all times. With us it is never questioned, it is just done. Teach the children to use the shoulder belts, if they do not fit right get a booster or device that adjusts it to fit. If the shoulder belt is not worn do not place it under the arm but rather around behind them. If it is placed under the arm it can cause sever damage to the chest area and it is better not to use it. BUT you really should use it properly to decrease the change of life threatening injury! Car seats for small children should be used at all times, no exceptions!! If you are not sure what type call the doctor and they will be able to help you. I have seen many people put in car seats and then strap the kids in and the whole seat tips sideways slightly, these are not safe!! The seat should not be able to shift at all. I find it helps if I push the seat as far into the seat as possible with my knee in the seat, if you are unable to get it tight find someone to do it for you. THEY NEED TO BE TIGHT TO WORK PROPERLY! Also if your car has a front passenger side air bag, keep any child under age 12 out of the seat. This is a good idea even if you do not have an air bag.
4. Fire safety is very important. Teach the child to STOP, DROP, and ROLL. Go over the escape route in case of fire, find out what the parents have in mind and make sure you know it as well as the children, now may be a good time to go over it. Do not assume they know this, or any other safety tips. Also teach them not to play with matches, fires, candles or any flammable materials.
5. Poisons are another child hazard. Know the poison control number and DO NOT hesitate to call! I have had to do this on several occasions and it is better safe then sorry. Do not give them milk, Ipecac or anything else unless you have called. Milk is to be used on certain poisons not all! Ipecac can be dangerous if given for some poisons. PLEASE call the experts!
The Children's Health System - Saftey Zone Index
Survive Alive: Fire Saftey
Some pages for the kids to color that teach them fire saftey.
Pacifiers...a guide for parents
Children at Play
Some good saftey tips.
Bike Smarts
Bike saftey.
Preventing Abduction
Some good tips for kids as well as adults on preventing child abduction.
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