Nutrition is extremely important to the health of your persian. All cats require a special type of protein in their diets.Cats also have to fats which come from animal fat. The cat is a true carnivore (meat eater). They require more B-vitamins than a dog. With out the proper diet the cat will encounter health problems.
Read the labels on the food in which you are going to purchase for your cat. Make sure it says it is balanced,perfect complete,scientifis or adequate for all cats. Kitten foods are also available to insure that all diet needs of a growing kitten is met.
Commercial Cat Food Canned cat food is made up of meat(muscle meat,heart,liver,lung)cereals (rice,barley,wheat,corn) vegetables and yeast. Soft moist canned food contain more protein making it more flavorful. It also contains more moisture so your cat does not have to drink much water through its day. (clean fresh water should always be available). Canned food should be giving with variety a cat only on a diet of fish will not get all the proper protiens. Dry food will help keep your cats healthy. Canned food builds up tater Try both. Dry Food Just like can food is nutritionally complete. Unlike can food it only has about 15% water, so your cat has to drink more water. Your cat should eat both can and dry canned for the variety, you should feed your cat a differnt variety to complete the nutrition balance. A cat feed only the fish variety with out chicken or red meat will not get all the vitiam E it's need. Dry food should be feed to keep teeth strong and clean. It is impossible to prescribe the that will suit all cats. If the cat is healthy and not on a special diet from a vet a cat usually requires 6 to 7 ounces of canned food for a cat that weighs 9 pounds. If you feed your cat primarily dry food about 2 3/4 ounces a day is enough.
DO Persians Need To Eat Grass? Most Persians like to nibble on grass. You can buy small flats at the store to plant in a pot for your cat. Since Persians are not outside cats. After eating grass the cat will cough it up with the hair they have swallowed while grooming themselves. I give my cats a hairball remedy that helps them to prevent the formation of hair balls in the stomach as well as to help the passage through the digestive system. This is important for the cats health.
HOMEHimalayanHistory of the himalayan. How it came to be and why.
Frequently asked questions
Feline disease Diseases that every cat owner should kmow about.
NutritionFeeding your feline friend. Commercial dry or wet?
GroomingBathing and combing your cat does not need to be a chore.
BreedingBreeding your cat,behavior male and female.
BirthingAfter breeding your female, what you should do.
Breeding Chart Print this chart and you will never have to count again.
ColorsBreed standards along with every coat color possible.
BI-COLOR CHARTBi-Color chart for breeding.
Solid chartChart for breeding persian solids to solids.
Himalayan ChartColor chart for breeding Himalayans as well as Siamese.
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Show Schedule CFA Show calender for September - November.