Please Note:the word "point" is understood in all colors.
Himalayan Color Chart
Seal x Seal Seal, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac
Seal x Blue Seal, Blue, Chocolate, Lila
Seal x Chocolate Seal, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac
Seal x Lilac Seal, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac
Blue x Blue Blue, Lilac
Chocolate x Chocolate Chocolate, Lilac
Chocolate x Lilac Chocolate, Lilac
Lilac x Lilac Lilac
Blue x Chocolate Seal, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac
(Kittens) Sire DAM M F Seal Tortie Blue Red Red Chocolate-Tortie Chocolate Cream Blue-Cream Lilac Lilac-Cream
Seal Cream Red Tortie Chocolate Cream Chocolate-Tortie Blue-Cream
Blue Cream Cream Blue-Cream Lilac Lilac-Cream
Tortie Tortie Red Blue-Cream SEAL Blue-cream Cream Chocolate-Tortie Chocolate-Tortie Blue Seal Lilac-Cream Chocolate Blue Lilac Chocolate Lilac
Tortie Red Blue-Cream Cream Chocolate-Tortie Tortie Seal Lilac-Cream Blue Chocolate-Tortie Blue Seal Chocolate Blue Lilac Chocolate Lilac
Blue-Cream Cream Lilac-Cream Blue-Cream Blue Blue Blue Lilac-Cream Lilac Lilac
Seal Seal Blue Tortie Blue Chocolate Chocolate Blue-Cream Chocolate Lilac Lilac Tortie Red Chocolate-Tortie Cream Blue-Cream Lilac-Cream
HOMEHimalayanHistory of the himalayan. How it came to be and why.
Frequently asked questions
Feline disease Diseases that every cat owner should kmow about.
NutritionFeeding your feline friend. Commercial dry or wet?
GroomingBathing and combing your cat does not need to be a chore.
BreedingBreeding your cat,behavior male and female.
BirthingAfter breeding your female, what you should do.
Breeding Chart Print this chart and you will never have to count again.
ColorsThis page tells you breed standards along with every coat color possible.
BI-COLOR CHARTIf you want to breed a bi-color to a bi-color this chart will tell colors of the kittens by sex.
Solid chartChart for breeding persian solids to solids.
Picture Page
Animal Links
Show Schedule CFA Show calender for September - November.