Scouts R US Webring

Welcome to the Scouts R Us Webring "Policy" Page !

Scouts R Us Webring !

Scouts R Us Home Page

Members Only

Policy and Code here


Submit Your Site


Scouts R Us - Ring of Scouts

Email Scouts R Us Webmaster

Policy Page

Submit Your Site after reviewing the Policies below.

To maintain your membership in the Scouts R Us Webring there are a few simple rules that you must follow.

    1.You must have Our Functioning Webring Graphics Prominently displayed on the page you submit. This should be the main page of your site.

    2.The Webring must always link to the page that houses your Webring Graphics.

    3.The page that "houses" the Webring Graphics must be reachable from Most of the pages within the Site.

    4.You never remove this code without (temporarily) removing yourself from the ring.

    5.You may NOT alter the graphics and the hyperlinks must remain the same.

    6.You must submit the true URL for your Site. Sites that are submitted with", "" etc., or other aliased URLs, - WILL BE REFUSED - Membership.

    7.The use of a "Webring Portal" or a "Splash-Page" are nice, But, are discouraged, and may affect your admission to the Webring.

    8.A site containing the name of your Group and the words "This Site is Under Construction" is not acceptable.

    9.A Single Links page is not acceptable for Membership.

    10.No Offensive or Foul Language Allowed !

    11.No Pronography allowed !

    12.If you have two versions of your site, for example "Framed or Unframed", "German or English" etc., you must display a copy of the Webring Graphics on each version site.

    13.If you have for example, a German site, we would like you to have another verson in English.

    14.Your site must be non-profit-making.

    15.Your site must be 90% + Scouting Related.

    16.Your site must also appear Interesting to others. A list of members and their current rank/award level is not acceptable.

    17.Your site should have your sponsoring organization prominately displayed, with its location and contact information.

    18.You MUST have a way to Email the Webmaster/Site Owner, Prominently displayed on the site.

    19.Ring Members may, and are encouraged to, admit other sites into the ring, but ONLY if they display the graphics, comply with this policy and their code is correct.

    20.If you site does not display the Graphics and Links within ten (10) days after it is submitted, it will be removed from the Query.

    20.You MUST Submit your true Name, as the person representing the site, when you submit your site to the Query. We need to know who the person in charge of each site is.

    We Reserve the Right to Refuse Membership to Any Site.

    Please Do Not be Offended if you are refused membership due to violation of this Policy.

    I have read the RULES above and agree to abide by them, to be part of this ring.

    My acceptance is so noted, by contuning to the next step,

    Submit your Site Here !


We welcome any comments or suggestions you might have about our site. Let us know what you think!


Started 9/10/98