Hi and welcome to my home on the web. I live in Kentucky with my husband of 27 years. We have one son who lives nearby.
"Deezerbird" is my very favorite of the many nicknames I've been tagged with over the years...one rarely used outside our home and the one I hold dearest to my heart. It didn't start out in it's present form, but evolved over several years. (We'll just skip all the "in betweens!") I'd just as soon it stays as it is now. It's grown on me! "Geezerbird" is the next phase...and I'm not ready for that yet.

We also have three family pets. Beauregard ("Beau," "BoBo," " Bo Dog," "Good Boy Puppy,"...etc.)is a white, shaggy-haired mixed
breed fourteen year old.
Beau's an affectionate old
dog. He's not overly bright...has a habit of snapping at
bumblebees and carries some odd pink scars on his
otherwise black nose from the battles.

("Skillidoodle," "Sweetsie," " Bubba," "Noodleo"...etc.) is a twelve year old short-haired black domestic cat who
pretty much "rules the roost."
We've had several cats but this one is truly special; he rolls over and also
kisses. This goes over quite well around the house,
though he's had some rather ugly neighborhood scrapes with
other animals about the kissing habit.Skillet's been
"fixed" now and rarely leaves the yard.
Our son brought in another cat in the summer of 1999, a little black tiger-striped
kitten who he named Onyx. I called the little thing "Miss Prissy" for over two weeks as my son had been told that the kitten was a female. It never actually occurred to me to look; I just glanced at Onyx one day and...surprise!
He is so precious and energetic and has livened up this household with his constant curiosity. It has been so fun watching him discover the world! He's just as affectionate as Skillet so far.
Skillet was not very enthusiastic about the presence of another cat, while Onyx seemed to want nothing more than to gain his affection. We had to watch them very closely in the beginning, but they've become best buds now.

I've had a lot of hobbies over the years, though none have given me more pleasure than flower gardening. It is my passion. What started out as a few marigolds and petunias here and some zinnias there has grown into six rather large beds, and several smaller patches of flowers scattered about.

I have a wide variety of bulbs and perennials...tulips, iris, daisies, jonquil, blackeyed susan, several varieties of oriental lilies, daylilies, star-gazer lilies, calla lilies, gladiolus, coneflowers, jacob's ladder, bleeding hearts, hollyhocks, four o'clocks, dutch iris, grape hyacinth, primroses, dahlias...( and on and on!)
Many of these were given to me by friends, and I think of them every year as these treasures bloom.

Something is always in full bloom from late winter's crocus to fall's glorious asters. Of course, there has to be a good assortment of annuals too :-), and I work several "old faithfuls" and a few of the newer hybrids into the large beds every year. I'm also a "packrat" when it comes to saving seeds.
I do have a favorite...the blue balloon flowers my husband bought me for Mother's Day one year (like those depicted below.) They are truly the stars of the garden while in bloom and multiply every year.

We built a rock berm last summer...something we'd talked about doing for several years.
We made several trips to the local rock quarry, handpicking, loading and unloading eight and a half tons of rocks (boulders!).It was quite a job, but also a lot of fun. The berm is now home to a pink hybrid hibiscus and various annuals.
My only gardening tip...the liberal use of granulated cow manure;I got that advice from my Dad and haven't had any mediocre-sized blooms on anything since!
With all of the flowers, we're also
blessed with several species of butterflies, bees
everywhere and...HUMMINGBIRDS ! Watch closely, and
you might just see one of the little fellows come to feed

I also took up a new interest (addiction, actually) over the winter of 1999...WebTV and the Internet and HTML...which leads us to...
 Page Three!


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