Midi playing is "Somewhere In Time" sequenced by the late Luis Jocson (AKA Jesse d'bassman)

Welcome to the pigs' room! I collect pigs and my little spot on the web would not feel like "home" without them, so I surfed around and found some and will be keeping my favorites here.

Most of these little critters were public domain; Others were adopted or are copyrighted and being used with permission, as noted.

This is Curly, and I adopted him from Woobie World. He came with an adoption certificate, which you can click on to visit Woobie World and take a cyberpet home yourself.

Delilah is also an adopted pig. I brought her home from Alex's Animals.

I've been collecting pigs since around 1981. Before that, I was "into" owls. I bought a pig figurine for another collector and just fell in love with it, and felt the meaning of "the best gift given is the one you'd like to keep yourself." I did part with it, and bought my first pig shortly afterwards.

I've never counted my pigs, and have only actually purchased around a dozen of them myself. The rest were gifts.

Whenever my family members see a pig, they think of me!

I have pig figurines, brass pigs, stuffed pigs, cloth pigs, pig cookie jars, wooden pigs, framed pig art and even (a gift from my brother) a chia pig.

My favorite is the first one I ever bought, a small, smiling pig purchased while on vacation with my late Mother. He was in a Cracker Barrel store, nestled among ham products. It was love at first sight!

Several of the pigs on this page, including the next three little guys came from The Pig Pen, "the most extensive pig site on the internet." If you're interested in pigs, that's the place to visit. (I literally made a hog out of myself there!) I'll have a banner link at the bottom of the page to take you there.

This little fellow is very timid. Give him a few seconds. He's adorable.

The next two pigs (and the floral bars on this page) are from The Blue Planet. I have included the banner for this site below, and appreciate the use of these gifs on my page.

Remember the little pig who went "Wee Wee Wee all the way home?" I think I found him!

Click for Audio (wav)

The rest of the pigs I've collected on the internet are flying pigs. I like to think of them as angel pigs!

I told my husband that I'd be finished working on my site "when pigs fly." (Of course, I had this page in mind all along.)

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The Menu (No Pork)

Page 1 (My Front Page)
Page 2 (A Little About Us)
Page 3 (Hooked on HTML)
Page 4 (Memories...page one)
Page 5 (Memories...page two)
Page 6 (Memories...page three)
Page 7 (Memories...page four)
Page 8 (Memories...page five)
My Resource Links
Just Smiles
Spirit Flowers

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