Hello; My name is Rosie and I am so glad you stopped in for a visit. Pull up a chair, get comfortable and stay as long as you like. Should you have any questions or concerns, I'm just an e-mail away. The best thing I have ever done was to give my life to Christ. I was thirteen years old at the time. My parents trained me and my siblings as the bible says. "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6. As a child, I thought the grass was greener on the other side of the fence and just couldn't wait to get out there and try out this forbidden, new and better way of life. Well, it wasn't long before I realized my parents had the right idea and that I did need the shelter and protection of the Almighty God. I thought I could make it on my own but my parents were right about that too. Because of Gods grace and His mercy I can stand up and be a witness for Him today. Battling chronic illnesses has been a part of my life since childhood. I now suffer with clinical depression which is under control for the most part because of the God I serve, the love and understanding of my family and friends and my doctor and last but not least, my medication. My firstborn child died suddenly, at the age of twenty-three. Not long after that I was diagnosed with having major depression that went on far much too long. No one took the time to explain to me what was happening. I thought I was losing my mind and therefore ashame to talk about it with anyone. Failed relationships came about as a result of bad choices and because I still tried to fix things myself. I know now that my Savior is a God of His Word. You see, He never left me nor did He ever forsake me. Hebrews 13:5. And He assigned His angels to watch over me. I am compelled to give Him Praise, Honor and Glory. I am honored that I can share just a small corner of "My World" with you. We all belong to Jesus and He belongs to us. We are redeemed through His blood and forgiven by the riches of His grace. Jesus went to calvary (He died) for you and for me and is alive Forever More! According to the Word of God, He went away to prepare a place for us. Read: John 14:1-4. One day we will be there with Him. I know that through faith I am saved by God's grace. I am an heir to the Kingdom and I can go boldly before the throne of grace for all my needs. He said He would supply my needs according to His riches in glory. I am not perfect by any means but with the help of the Lord I am striving to be just like Him. I reside in South Bend, Indiana with my husband, Mark. The Lord loaned me three children, but decided He wanted my first born to be with Him. I have three step-children, two grand children who are very precious to me. (they are the children of my first born son) and a grandchild on the way which excites me to the highest. God has been very gracious to me. I could never repay Him for all the many blessings he has bestowed on me. And if I had ten thousand tongues I still would not be able to "PRAISE HIM" enough. Again I say, "Dedicating my life to Christ is the absolute best thing I have every done". I was that one lost sheep and when I knocked on the door, my Savior let me in. Now I can say without doubt, that The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want.......Psalm 23. And I (Can Do all things) through Christ who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13. |
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