More Depression Resources
Call me Anna: The Autobiography of Patty Duke by Patty Duke / Kenneth Turan Call Me Anna is an American success story that grew out of bizarre and desperate struggle for survival. A harrowing, ultimately triumphant story told by Patty Duke herself--wife, mother, political activist, President of the Screen Actors Guild, and at last, a happy, fulfilled woman whose miracle is her own life.
We Heard The Angels of Madness: A family guide to coping with Manic Depression. Written by Diane Berger / Lisa Berger Foreword by Alexander Vuckovic. When 18-year-old Mark returned home from college, his family thought he was on drugs. In fact, he was suffering from manic depression. This is the intimate, inspiring story of how Mark's family coped with his illness and the valuable information they gathered about manic depression: up-to-date, useful facts on drugs, doctors, therapy, insurance and other resources Undercurrents: A Therapist's Reckoning
with Her Own
Depression by . Martha Manning Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think. by Kathy Cronkite ....promotes using cognitive therapy to conquer attacks of depression, panic, anxiety, anger, guilt, shame, and low self-esteem.....can be used by a person enrolled or not enrolled in therapy.
Understanding Depression, A Complete Guide to Its Diagnosis and Treatment By Donald F. Klein, MD and Paul H. Wender, MD. Emphasize positive responses to antidepressants. Guide to depressive illness and it's causes. A chapter in this book is devoted to role of family in treatment. 181 pages.
Undoing Depression: Richard O'Conner. What Therapy Doesn't Teach You and Medication Can't Give You
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life by Daniel G. Amen, M.D. Offers real hope for the many people who find that they are held back in relationships, at work, and in daily life by behavior patterns that seem to come up over and over again. Books about Depression
...Dr. William Backus provides a six-week guide to freedom
from anger, anxiety, depression, and perfectionism that utilizes the
powerful principles of truth therapy. The guide is presented in workbook
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