Fort Collins, Colorado

Guest Book  Sign this Guestbook !
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Please note!!!  If you want more information, please email a co-leader.  This page doesn't get checked very often!!  Thank you.

Karen Otero - 12/14/00 16:04:25
Referred by: friend
From: Fort Collins
I just joined Mothers n More and am very excited to attend the meetings. I just participated in a Mothers n More playgroup held on Wednesday mornings and had a really good time and enjoyed all the moms and the kids. My son is 13 months old and he played well with the older kids.

Darla - 09/28/00 12:44:04
Referred by: N/A
From: Fort Collins, CO
Hello! We just moved from the San Francisco Bay area to Fort Collins, Colorado. I am a new stay-at-home mom (11 week old son) and am looking to meet others in the area. I was excited and encouraged to find your site.

Lisa Stroyan - 08/22/00 22:28:54
From: Fort Collins
This is a test to see if the guestbook is still working properly after I changed it...

Jo McEnroe - 08/01/00 23:08:37
Referred by: FEMALE slip from the Loveland Library
From: Loveland, Co
I am interested in joining a Loveland chapter if there is one.

Heidi - 03/08/00 17:39:52
Referred by: American baby Mag.
From: Denver-moving to Fort Collins
Hello this sounds like such a great way to meet people with the same interests!! I am a new mom with a 6 month old little girl. I was a nurse in a pediatric clinic prior to being a mom. We will soon be moving to Fort Collins so hope to become a member soon!!

Gretchen Lenzner - 03/03/00 16:48:24
Referred by: American Baby Mag
From: Wellington
Hello! I was just browsing your webpage and organization information. I hope to visit a meeting soon and find out more information. I am formerly a Kindergarten teacher and now am staying home with my 6 month old daughter.

Jennifer Emmons - 02/16/00 22:20:10
From: Fort Collins
Hello this sounds very interesting. I am currently a stay-at-home mom with my six month old son, but due to income situations I may have to go back to work. Do you have to be a stay-at-home mom so join? How much are your dues? Thank you and I look forward to joining.

Eileen Healy - 01/12/00 03:31:40
Referred by: National Web Site
From: Strongsvill, OH
Thanks for the logos and web information.

Jo Burda-Smith - 12/03/99 15:44:38
From: Loveland, CO
I'm interested in joining but would like to know if there are any plans for a Loveland chapter - or if there is anyone else from Loveland who is interested in starting a chapter. I am a first-time mom with a 8 month old daughter and could really use a fu and supportive group!

Christine Davies - 10/04/99 17:27:15
From: Loveland
Your home page is very interesting and informative. I have been looking for a social "MoMs" group where I can fit in with my 7 week old daughter. I will try to come to your meetings this month! See you then.

Jennifer - 08/18/99 20:07:30
From: Dalhart, Texas
Just browsing info on Ft.Collins. My family and I may be moving there in the next month or so. I worked as an RN for three years and am now staying home with my children(soon to be three in November). This sounds like a great organization. I will look ou up when we get there.

kathi meersman - 08/10/99 14:42:45
Referred by: american baby article
From: fort collins, co
Hi!I've checked out the local web site. I think I'm interested in becoming a member. Right now my husband is in Korea and we just recently moved back in to the area. I here by myself for the year with 3 kids-ages 5 and under. I'm looking for a group to ge involved with that can mesh with my crazy temporary "single paretenthood" life. Can you please let me know more about your organization-fees, times w/kids, times w/o kids, and more about coming events in the Fall. Thanks

Ellen Holmes - 07/13/99 21:29:38
Referred by: Jazzercise
From: Fort Collins
I found your flyer at the local Jazzercise center and it looks like just what I need. Thanks. I look forward to attending my first meeting.

Anette - 05/13/99 23:29:35
Referred by: Female Denver West
From: Denver
Great Web Page!!! I am from the Denver West chapter and we are getting ready to improve our Web Page and seeing your site gave me a lot of ideas!

Kim - 05/06/99 21:05:20
From: Loveland, CO
I noticed that your meetings are in the evenings without childcare. To become a member, do I have to attend meetings, as my evening schedule is packed? Also, what are the fees? Are there any plans for a Loveland chapter?

Michelle - 03/21/99 07:37:42
Oops, entered too soon. Laurel, what program do you use to generate your calendars for the web page? Thanks! 

REPLY:  We use MS Publisher 97 to make those calendars! 

Michelle - 03/21/99 07:36:40
From: San Diego, CA

Beth Boullianne - 01/19/99 02:52:18 
Referred by: FEMALE 
From: Marlboro, Ma.
Thank you for the information on free web hosting. It was very helpful! 

Gabrielle Koza - 10/13/98 14:25:20 
Referred by: National site 
From: Phoenix, AZ
Thanks for the logos. I used them for our chapter newsletter. Great site! 

Lise' Ohlson - 10/10/98 23:23:36 
My URL:http:///Heartland/Pointe/3224/
Referred by: Just surfed on in 
From: Fox Island, WA
What a great site! I enjoyed reading your calendar of scheduled events. You have some wonderful things planned for your chapter. 

Suzette Santori - 09/22/98 22:22:10 
From: Tucson chapter
Thanks for your work. You're right, 6mb looks like plenty! Earthlink also provides free 6mb site to their users, so our chapter just started one up. I came to get some buttons and maybe a logo. I can't "unstuff" the one from National. I'm using Stuff t. Well, I'll see if yours works. 

Teresa Simske - 09/22/98 17:27:17 
Referred by: Briana Ebmeier 
From: Greeley, CO
just looking ... I have not been successful at finding many community resources close to home which will allow me to have both meaningful adult contact and mother my nursing tot. 

MICHELLE RUFF - 08/05/98 05:58:41 
Referred by: CARRON SILVIA 
1. Are there any "play" groups for moms with infants? I have a 4month old (actual age) or 5 week old (adjusted), little girl. 2. What is the book club about? 3. What are the fees? 

Jean - 07/28/98 16:19:30 
From: Lewisville, TX
WE ARE NOW ONLINE!! Announcing the grand opening of the website for the Greater Lewisville, TX Chapter of FEMALE! URL address is above. LaLa thanks for all your help! Now all of you please go and sign our guest book; it's empty and very sad. 8^) NuMom 

Kara Townsend - 06/29/98 11:01:47 
Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! 

Stacey Sherman - 06/02/98 03:48:03 
Referred by: Nat'l Web site 
From: Holly Springs, NC
Your chapter's site is great!! I really enjoyed the event calendar. You guys have such neat meeting ideas. I printed it to share with my co-leader (and file for reference, of course). How did that family camping trip go? It looks like it was fun. Did it t ke a lot to organize? We hope to do some fun family events as well. Thanks for the inspiration!! 

mria dangerfield - 05/30/98 03:16:58 
Referred by: my atlanta chapter 
From: atlanta,ga
You guys have done a superb job on this page! Great suggestions on html stuff, cool buttons to use, and I love the photos! Keep up the good work! Mria 

NuMom - 05/26/98 19:59:46 
My URL:http://I'll let ya know when I get it online
Referred by: LaaLaa 
From: TX
I've been surfing FEMALE chapter sites to make plans for putting Lewisville, TX on the web. The coleaders of the FEMALE chapter in Lewisville,TX were impressed with your website. :) They found it semi-informal, friendly, and informative. Good job! :D and thanks for the website help page!! 

Kay Wolverton Ito - 05/07/98 02:53:20 
From: Denver, Colorado
Thanks so much for all the great info, Laurel. Now that I'm hooked, nothing else is getting done. Well, at least our chapter has a basic web site now, thanks to you .

Charlotte Tripp - 05/06/98 07:16:44 
Referred by: linked from National 
From: Northern Wayne County Chapter, MI #63
Thanks so much for the easily copied logos. I needed one to make certificates for the 1st Annual Stay-at-Home Mother Award that the Metro Detroit chapters are doing. 

Michelle - 04/25/98 08:29:31 
Referred by: dogpile search 
From: San Diego, CA
Thanks for all the help through your web pages! I've just volunteered to be our chapters "web matron". Please feel free to give me your comments on my beginning effort. 

Diane - 03/30/98 03:35:49 
Referred by: National's Guestbook 
From: FEMALE #77
Thanks for the info on starting our own web site. I'll present it to the group at our April meeting. Your site looks awesome! I printed copies of your web pages to show our chapter. I'm very impressed...maybe I can convince you to let me plagiarize a it! I'll be in touch, you can count on it!!! 

Jill Proehl - 03/28/98 21:00:47 
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/8407
Referred by: Laurel 
From: St. Louis, MO
You've done a bang-up job! You are _the_ source for FEMALE online help! You definitely need to sell your wares, lady! Love the resource page and will steal everything from you!!!! I especially like how thoroughly you've researched all your tips and hel urls! 

Paula Jablonski - 03/21/98 16:39:07 
My URL:none yet : (
Referred by: Laurel 
From: Warren, Michigan
Wonderful instructions. Hopefully we'll get around to setting this up for our chapter soon : ) 

Pam Hainlin - 02/18/98 02:49:33 
Referred by: Just browsing 
From: Richardson, TX
I'm a member of the Plano/Richardson, Texas Chapter #157 and am working with my husband to design our chapter's web site. I've been looking at quite a few, and wanted to commend you on a great job! This is an impressive, well laid out site --- mind if I borrow a few of your ideas? Keep up the good work! 

Jill Proehl - 12/28/97 05:19:27 
Referred by: Laurel 
From: St. Louis, MO
Laurel - you have such a talent! And thanks for all the help you've offered me as the WebMatron for our chapter's page. Hopefully, maybe at the conference next year in Chicago - we can meet in person? Thanks again and I'm sure I'll be calling on you ag in! 

Claudia Wilson - 12/10/97 17:55:37 
Referred by: Female newsletter 
From: Fort Collins
Congratulations, with awesome job on this web page. As a new member of FEMALE, it is so nice to have all this information online. Thanks for all your hard work. It is most appreciated! 

Cheryl McNabb & Bren - 12/03/97 02:09:58 
Referred by: laurel 
From: vacaville, ca
Very cool! You really have a knack with this stuff. I'm impressed 

Alice Bradbury - 11/26/97 00:14:33 
Referred by: just browsing the web 
From: Westminster,CO
I have been involved in FEMALE for nearly 4 years and am a current co-leader for the North Netro Denver Chapter. I enjoy seeing what other chapters are doing for their meetings and social events. I will visit your page and other FEMALE chapter pages to eep up to date. 

Karen Slora - 11/18/97 03:49:14 
Referred by: Self 
From: Palatine IL
Very impressive! I'm a member of FEMALE Chapter 18 (NW Suburban) and am currently getting ideas for starting our own web page. Any caveats or hints are welcome. Thanks for a great site! 

Kathy Dilgarde - 10/17/97 21:52:05 
My Email:I wish
Referred by: Laurel 
From: Fort Collins Homegirl
Yes, this page is great, I just have a hard time finding stuff. What's subordinate to a Newbie? See ya! 

Dru - 10/17/97 02:31:17 
My Email:RandAsMom
Referred by: Laurel "the Nerd" 
From: Fort Collins, CO
Laurel, you ARE the webmeister with the MOSTEST!! I love sending people to our page, 'cause it's so kewl ::grin:: 
~~ Dru ~~ 

Name: Sue Laybourn
Referred by: Word of Mouth 
From: Ft. Collins 
Time: 1997-10-12 00:00:00
Comments: Had a spare moment to drop in and take a look at the web site. Laurel is such a great PR person I couldn't resist looking at the updated site. 
Name: Devra Renner
Referred by: Word of Mouth 
From: Wichita, Kansas 
Time: 1997-10-06 22:19:00
Comments: After Laurel talkin' up the page, I just felt compelled to have a looksey! (And maybe our chapter can try some of the fun stuff you have planned) LOL 
Name: Sherri Weil
Referred by: Net Search 
From: Boulder, CO 
Time: 1997-09-08 05:13:00
Comments: Just moved to Boulder and am looking for a FEMALE chapter near me (not sure how far Ft. Collins is). Looks like you have a terrific group -- in addition to a great website. 
Name: Sue Laybourn
Referred by: Word of Mouth 
From: you know!! 
Time: 1997-09-01 22:34:00
Comments: Laurel-This looks great!! Bet you never thought I'd check in here. Love the photos, I will give you some more. Sue 
Name: Marta Carrillo
Referred by: Word of Mouth 
From: Fort Collins 
Time: 1997-09-01 18:52:00
Comments: This looks really good. I appreciate the calender and up-to-date information. I'm always losing my newsletters but now I can keep up with the activities by checking our web page. 
Name: Dana
Referred by: Just Surfed On In! 
From: Memphis, TN 
Time: 1997-08-29 04:16:00
Comments: I am FEMALE member of the Memphis, TN chapter. We are thinking of creating a homepage for our local chapter. I have been looking at other local chapter homepages to get some ideas. Y'all have done a SUPER ob. We are new at creating h mepages, so if you have any advice please e-mail me. Thanks, Dana 
Name: Mary Ann Chambers
Referred by: Just Surfed On In! 
From: ft. collins 
Time: 1997-07-21 12:39:00
Comments: Summer is a hard time for me to stay in the loop w/ Female. The web page helps me keep up w/ what is happening. 
Name: Super Jace
Referred by: Just Surfed On In! 
From: Earth 
Time: 1997-07-02 19:42:00
Comments: Super Job La! 
Name: Bonnie Rhodes
Website: Bonnie's Laundry Room
Referred by: From Geocities 
From: Tiffin OH 
Time: 1997-07-01 02:54:00
Comments: I have been a SAHM for going on thirteen years now. I consider myself fortunate to have been able to afford to do this. We moved to a new town in a new state about a year ago and being at home in this situa ion has been a very difficult adjustment. I am planning to visit your national site to see if there is a group like yours in my area. It is very hard in a new environment to meet people when there are not the "built-in" relationships that one forms at a workplace. It is so hard to it and get to know someone when you are starting from ground-zero! Your group sounds like a wonderful vehicle to form many close friendships. It would be great to belong and get advise and affirmation from moms that are in (or have been in) the same boa ! 
Name: Steve Grotheer
Referred by: Word of Mouth 
From: Fort Collins, CO 
Time: 1997-06-16 22:39:00
Comments: OK, I will comment because you made me. 
Name: Karen Fritz
Website: Fritz Family Home Page
Referred by: Word of Mouth 
From: Ft. Collins, CO 
Time: 1997-06-15 17:07:00
Comments: Way to go, Laurel! Great job (especially the background)! 
Name: Jane Tower
Referred by: Word of Mouth 
From: Ft. Collins 
Time: 1997-06-13 00:17:00
Comments: Awesome work Laurel. Our chapter is lucky to have so many talented and dedicated people. I encourage anyone to join their local FEMALE chapter to receive the benefits of a terrific organization!!! 
Name: Peggy Bryan
Referred by: Word of Mouth 
From: San Francisco (chapter 101), Reg. Coord, Loop memb. 
Time: 1997-06-12 15:53:00
Comments: Great page! Esp. love the photos on the fun page. Looks like you all have a great time! 
Name: Kim Steiner
Referred by: Word of Mouth 
From: Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 
Time: 1997-06-12 02:45:00
Comments: Hey! Looks great!! I got here from your link on the FEMALE loop. I'm going to be working on a web site for our chapter soon - any advice would be appreciated!!! 
Name: Patty Sapp
Referred by: Word of Mouth 
From: Clinton Twp. Mi (Detroit) 
Time: 1997-06-12 02:42:00
Comments: Great job Laurel! We are setting up our own web page also. I'll let you know when it's up and going. 
Referred by: Word of Mouth 
From: northeastern ohio 
Time: 1997-06-12 02:25:00
Comments: This looks very nice!!! I am very impressed, I liked the pictures! 
Name: Julie Hoffmann
Referred by: Word of Mouth 
From: Macomb Co. Mi FEMALE 
Time: 1997-06-12 00:45:00
Comments: Congrats on your homepage! Does your group know they have a web site Goddess in their midst? 
Name: Laurel
Website: Laurel's Family Home Page
Referred by: Word of Mouth 
From: Colorado 
Time: 1997-06-06 16:43:00
Comments: Let me be the first to sign this guestbook! FEMALE is such a great organization. I'd be lost without it! 

Sign this Guestbook !
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