Fort Collins, Colorado


About Our Chapter

What is Mothers & More?
Mothers & More is an international not-for-profit organization supporting sequencing women - mothers who have altered their career paths in order to care for their children at home. Mothers & More addresses women's' personal needs and interests during their active parenting years; advocates for public and employment policies that accommodate sequencing; promotes recognition and respect for sequencing mothers and respects the right of all women to choose if and how they combine parenting and paid employment.

Since its inception in 1987, Mothers & More has grown to more than 180 chapters and almost 8000 members worldwide.

Mothers & More is not about opposing mothers who work outside the home. Many of our members currently work for pay in some capacity, most of them on a part-time basis. Mothers & More is about respecting, supporting and advocating for choice in how one combines working and parenting.

Mostly, it's a great way to meet your "co-workers" (other stay at home mom's); form new friendships; exchange ideas and resources; and resolve that isolated feeling many moms have when they leave the paid workforce to stay at home.

What Our Chapter Has to Offer: 

On the Local Level:
The Fort Collins Chapter of Mothers & More is an extremely active chapter which meets twice a month. We have a fun and relaxing atmosphere where members can participate in as many or as few of the activities that are offered, according to their needs.
These activities include:

On the national level:

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