A spastic is a person who is physically disabled because of cerebral palsy, a condition in which there are faulty links between the brain and motor nerves causing jerky or uncontrollable movements.  A spastic child needs special education, and appropriate therapy to help him overcome his physical disabilities atleast to some extent.
In Chennai, the city we live in, it is estimated that there are well over 10,000 spastic children, some from comfortable homes, some in very poor homes.  The Spastics Society of India has a special school for the children, where Chitra goes for voluntary work.  There are more than 800 beneficiaries in this school alone, and a long waitlist because the school is a charitable institution, and maintains a very low student:teacher ratio.
To know more about this school and what they do, write to Chitra at
To know more about cerebral palsy and spastics, visit these websites:


DoctorNet Online Cerebral Palsy Links

Introduction to Spastic Children's Association of Singapore
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