Origami - The Japanese Art of Paperfolding
Origami and Kusudama are two crafts
which fascinate us. Whether it is simple animal forms, bird folds,
masks, or lanterns, or origamic architecture, or pop-up greeting cards,
we spend hours making things and giving away to our young friends and admirers.
Origami is indeed "one way of awakening
in paper, one of the commonest substances in our daily lives, the boundless
possibilities for expression that lie dormant in it. In a seemingly
worthless single sheet of paper exist birds, animals, insects, flowers,
human figures and even advanced abstract forms. One of the joys of
origami is being able to bring forth from paper lovely forms that we can
use to ornament our rooms to fill them with a dream-like atmosphere" (we
quote from the book Creative Origami by Kunihiko Kasahara, our guru).
Vasu has designed a temple chariot
in origamic architecture style, designed principally using Visio drawings.
Write to us to know more about this, and for the drawings.
you to some interesting webpages on Origami:
Wu's Origami Page : About the best resource for Origami. Exhaustive
links, designs, ideas and tips. Take your little one through it,
and she's bound to fall for Origami!
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