This page is dedicated to my friend Sue, who some of you may know as Matschca. Without her help and encouragement, this page wouldn't have been possible.

          Please check out all these pages. These are all links to people we have met on the net, and I know you will find some of them have GREAT pages!!! The first homepage is the best one though... LOL (wink)

          Sue (or Matschca) is one of the first people I met online and has a wonderful homepage that is loaded with information!!!
          Judy is another great friend and one of the "first". Please go visit her and see all the Kewl graphics and animations!
          Ali (or Aline) is a "fellow Cajun" and has lots of stuff about everything.
          Cajuns, cajuns, and MORE cajuns!! Rachel and Robby are great online friends who live in the bayou (only kidding). You'll love their "theme" song, complete with dancing frog!!
          Dave is a great funny guy, so if you need a few laughs, be sure and check out his home page. He's got tunes too!! :D
          Marc is an old friend we don't see too often anymore, but he has a great site!
          Chilly is really named Bill ( or is it the other way around?!?!). Anyway, he has his own lodge, and here's a look at it.
          Jim has a great collection of fun things, including some GREAT poetry from an online friend named Janice. Be sure to check it out!

          Tony's Page Ruth's Page Kids Page Kewl Friends Graphics