First a little about the twins. They are 8 years old (but they'll tell you they're "8-1/2" if you ask them). Their names are Richard and Anthony, and they're identical!! We can tell them apart (on our "good days").

        UPDATE! Richard is into Karate, and he will be taking his test for his senior orange belt on Saturday morning, June 28th. He loves it and is very good at it. C'MON..... BLACK BELT!!!

        Anthony was in Little League. His team name was the White Sox, and they finished their season with an 8-0 record. WAY TO GO ANTHONY!!!

        What better place for kids than the Disney site. They have fun, games, contests and lots of good things for kids to do!
        The Toonacat Kids Club has a lot of fun projects and learning games for your kids! Go play here for a while!
        Billy Bear offers fun for Mom and Dad with his wonderful graphics, and pages for the kids, including making their very own storybooks!

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