There are a total of four letters on this page. The first two will be directly below, and the last two will be directly below those.
Hello Chuck, After reading the Ode to Dad poem I decided that my guestbook entry
just wasn't enough!
Hi Chuck, I must begin by letting you know it is you who has inspired me to share my story with you, and in doing so I suppose I am sort of helping myself too. However a lengthy story it may be I will leave it up to you to decided whether or not to share with others on your page. I guess I really have two stories of which to tell you one of that of being a child of divorced parents and then that of my divorce itself. Both of which has made me the person I am today. I have to admit it is sort of scary to think back on it now. I am the youngest of four children in my family. At the time of my parents divorce I was only 6 or 7, I am not really sure which. But I realized that something wasn't normal when my father moved to Texas when I was five only to visit on holidays and to take us all for a small vacation every summer. I realized our family was different then most of the families of my friends, though I never understood why. I remember the day as if it where yesterday, I was in school and my father came and my sister who was only in 4th grade where told to go to the school counselors office. There we saw our father slumped in a chair and looking as if he were crying. He told us to sit with him and he told us that mom and him got a divorce. Now I am not sure if I really knew what a divorce was and I wasn't sure if I really liked it. I did know that my father wasn't happy and that he was leaving and I wouldn't be seeing him whenever I wanted. I tried very hard not to cry I wanted to prove to him I could be strong and he had asked me not to. For a while we were allowed to see him every other weekend and we tried very hard to make the most of it. And then one day he was gone no reason why no letter no cards no phone calls. I guess I sort of forgot about him. I think. I don't really remember. All the while my mother would say nasty things about my dad. How he didn't care and how he just up and abandoned us to fend for ourselves. It was his fault we never had money and lived off the state. To her he was no good. I guess after a while I started to believe her. After all I never received anything.... except once out of the blue I got a pair of roller skates from him in the mail for my birthday. They were yellow and the kind you had to wear a shoe in. I was there when the postman delivered the package... what was she to do but let me have it. I realized then that I didn't have a dad and he was somewhere but I wasn't sure if he loved me or not. My mother remarried and we were to move out of state. It was my last day of school.... I was about ten or eleven then. I remember stepping off the school bus and there stood my dad... I was scared after all the horrid things my mother had told us. I screamed and ran back on the bus. Which returned me to the school and later the principal drove me home. I never knew why my father was there or what it was he wanted until I was about 17. I lived with a family who took me in and tried to love me the best they knew how. I found out through the military ( my dad being a retired army sergeant). I only had the address. I wrote to the address I snuck off one of the computers, but all the letters came back. My friend told me I could try calling him. We called information of the state he lived in and got his phone number. I was so scared and nervous but I made the call. I wanted to know my dad for who he was and not what my mother made him to be for all those years. I wanted to know the truth! I can still recall the conversation. This man with a very strong accent answered the phone and I kept asking to speak with my dad (I used his name). Finally he said "This is he! What do you want?" I was speechless I didn't know what to say and just started crying. All I could say was "dad? is that really you?" He realized it was one of his daughters then and we cried and talked together for hours. We had a lot of catching up to do. Three weeks later I was on a plane for a visit. That was nine years ago. I love my dad and have a very close relationship with him. I found out that he had been searching for us for over ten years. My mother would not allow him to see us. Every time he got close to finding us we moved. I resent my mother for that, for taking a part of me away and crushing my little spirit. I hate to say my relationship with her has never been good since then and I don't think it ever will be. However I still love her she raised me, fed me, clothed me and did the best she could. Whatever her reason for doing this I never found out.... I don't think I want to... it might destroy the little bit of relationship I have with her and I don't think I could live without my mom. I am just happy I have my dad back. Now I wasn't too much older than that when I first married. Only 19 and sure I was in love and this fellow loved me. He was in the Coast Guard and just home from boot camp when we started dating. Six months later we eloped. I stayed with my brother for a month after we married because he was in some school and I couldn't be with him. At least that is the story I got from him. He got stationed in Boston after that and sent for me. We were doing really well for about one month. He started getting really controlling and abusive. But growing up around that sort of thing I figured it was normal. Then he started not coming home at all and when he was home and I would come home from work I found the door locked and chained to where I couldn't get in. He was always on the phone. He took away my mail key so I couldn't get mail. Then one day as I was getting ready to do laundry (this was after he was gone all night and showed up the next morning before going off to work) I found a movie stub with a number written in lipliner. My heart sunk. I didn't want to believe what I knew was happening.... after all he said he loved me and he married ME. I later called his work and asked about the number he made up some excuse which he expected me to believe, I didn't. I called the number and a girl answered I asked her if she went out with a guy and gave her the description of my husband. She said yes and I told her to please leave my husband alone. She didn't even know he was married. Things went down hill fast after that. Three weeks later I found out I was pregnant. He happened to call from a bar and I told him... he hung up on me. Later calling back. He came home and told me it was a mistake and that we needed to separate for a while and try to work things out. I believed him. I wanted to believe him after all I was carrying his child. I was on a plane headed for home two days later. We talked on the phone almost everyday. He made a lot of empty promises. I still loved him.... I cried myself to sleep every night. I had the baby ... a beautiful boy. He promised to be there. He never showed up. I cried some more. Finally he said it isn't going to work let's get a disillusionment. I filled out the paper work mailed it to him he never sent them back.... I still wanted to believe that he loved me and that it would all work out. Our son was growing fast and yet he never saw his dad. I wasn't sure how I was going to deal with it. I later tried to seek work closer to where his father lived again hoping to work things out and maybe make it easier for him to visit his son. He wanted me to stick him on an airplane at 6 months of age without me with him. I told him I couldn't do that that he didn't even know him and it would devastate him. I wanted to gradually let him get to know his father and not just shove him on a plane and say bye. He was a baby. I got a lot of threats then that he was going to kid nap him and take him away from me. I finally moved back home and filed for divorce. My son was one then. I had a steady boyfriend who my son called daddy... after all he never knew his real father. Again papers where sent and there was no answer. It was a divorce by default. My son is now 5 his father never has seen him and only once in a while do I receive support. I really don't care to get it or not but am sure to let my son enjoy it when it does come. I am still scared that one day his dad will come and kidnap him. I know it would be out of pure spite instead of love for his son. I live sort of in hiding because of that. His family living in the one of the towns close by. I won't deny my son his real father... I don't talk bad about his father to him. In fact I told him just last year that he had another dad different from his sisters. I think he understood me. I told him if he ever wanted to know something about his real father to just ask me. One day he asked me what he looked like. Knowing that I had no pictures of his father I took him to my sister. She was the only one who still had one picture the two of us together. I gave it to him and said here this is your real father... He looked at it and threw it to the floor and said..."can we go now". I don't really know why he did that I never asked him. I hope that when he gets older he will want to know his father and have a relationship with him. I don't want him to feel as I did growing up. I really feel that for now he must not see him. I want him to be old enough to make his own decisions and old enough to know he can choose who he wants to live with. I don't know where his father is. I have wanted to call him several times and ask him why he doesn't want to see his son. Why he doesn't care. But I can never find him. I do know that if my son would ask me to find him I would do anything in my power to make that happen. He has a right to his father but for now he shows no interest in him. |
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