Arts & Lit
A search in the Library of Congress in
Washington, for books and music contributed to by Spongs, found 63 Items. Note:
"av" in Swedish means "by."
- I Ostergyllen : berattelser 1930 av Berit Spong. [Swedish] Stockholm : Vart
hems forlag, [1930] LC: PT9875.S64 I2 1930
- Partita on "Marching to Zion" : for organ 1991 by Jon Spong ; tune by
Robert Lowry. [ ] Delaware Water Gap, Pa. : H. Flammer : Sole selling agent, Shawnee
Press, c1991. LC: M9.S78 P36 1991
- Partita on Showalter : Leaning on the everlasting arms : eight variations for
organ 1991 by Jon Spong. [ ] Miami, FL : Belwin Mills : c/o CPP/Belwin, c1991. LC: M9.S78
P37 1991
- The Easter moment 1980 John Shelby Spong. New York : Seabury Press, c1980. LC:
BT481 .S68 Dewey: 232/.5
- The Living Commandments 1977 John Shelby Spong. New York : Seabury Press, 1977.
LC: BV4655 .S66 Dewey: 241.5/2
- Into the Whirlwind : the future of the church 1983 John Shelby Spong. New York
: Seabury Press, 1983. LC: BR50 .S685 1983 Dewey: 230/.3
- Dialogue : in search of Jewish-Christian Understanding 1975 John Shelby Spong,
Jack Daniel Spiro ; prologue by Frank Edwin Eakin, Jr. New York : Seabury Press, [1975]
LC: BM535 .S686 Dewey: 261.2
- Advice to consumers on laundry detergents; a report to the Senate Committee on
Commerce. 1971 Prepared by William B. Spong, Jr. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1971.
LC: TP992.5 .S65 Dewey: 628.1/682
- Heroin: can the supply be stopped? 1972 Report by William Spong to the
Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off.,
1972. LC: HV5822.H4 S66 Dewey: 364.1/57
- See if He Wins. 1949 Spong, Richard,1916- New York, Sloane Associates [1949]
LC: PZ3.S7642 Se
- Kraknatten; roman [novel]. 1963 Spong, Berit,1895- [Swedish] Stockholm,
Norstedt [1963] LC: PT9875.S64 K7
- Historier fran Hemtrakten. 1969 Spong, Berit,1895- [Swedish] Stockholm,
Norstedt, 1969. LC: PT9875.S64 H48
- Der Birkenpsalm, roman [a novel]; 1948 Spong, Berit,1895- [German] Stuttgart,
Reclam-Verlag [1948] LC: PT9875.S64 B5
- Barnen fran Tarrow. 1967 Spong, Berit,1895- [Swedish] Stockholm, Norstedt,
1967. LC: PT9875.S64 B3
- Historier kring Vattern. 1968 Spong, Berit,1895- [Swedish] Stockholm, Norstedt,
1968. LC: PT9875.S64 H5
- Resurrection : Truth and Reality 1994 Paul Barnett, Peter Jensen, David
Peterson. Sydney South, Australia : Aquila, 1994. LC: BT481.S6843 R47 1994 Dewey: 232/.5
- Honest Prayer. 1972 Spong, John Shelby. New York, Seabury Press [1972, c1973]
LC: BV210.2 .S66 Dewey: 248/.3
- Strangnas. 1953 Spong, Berit,1895- [Swedish] [Stockholm] Wahlstrom &
Widstrand [1953] LC: DL991.S8 S7
- Sommarbrev [Summer Letter]. 1940 Spong, Berit,1895- [Swe] Stockholm, P. A.
Norstedt & soner [1940] LC: PT9875.S64 S6 1940
- Morris och Hans Rivaler. Spong, Berit,1895-1970. [Swedish] Stockholm, Norstedt
1970. LC: PT9875.S64 M6 1970
- Sanningen om Sjovinkel; en "nyckelknippa" till en nyckel-roman 1950
Stenstrom, Matts. [Swedish] Upsala, Universitas, 1950. LC: PT9875.S67 S3 1950
- Organ Rarities; an historical anthology. 1977 Spong, Jon,comp. Nashville,
Abingdon Press, c1971-1977. LC: M7.S76 O7
- Eerst de hoeve, dan 't hart. 1944 Spong, Berit,1895- [Dutch] Amsterdam,
Ploegsma, 1944. LC: PT9875.S64 S63
- To save a whale : the voyages of Greenpeace 1978 text, Robert Hunter ;
photography, Rex Weyler ; introd., Paul Spong. San Francisco : Chronicle Books, c1978. LC:
QL737.C4 H85 Dewey: 333.9/5
- American hymns and carols of the 19th century 1975 Spong, Jan. Nashville :
Abingdon Press, [c1975] LC: M13 .A
- Christmas pastorales, for the organ. 1970 Spong, Jon,comp. Nashville, Broadman
Press [1970] LC: M6.S66 C5
- To save a whale : the voyages of Greenpeace 1978 text, Robert Hunter ;
photography, Rex Weyler ; introd., Paul Spong. Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre, c1978.
LC: QL737.C4 H85 1978b Dewey: 333.9/5
- In joyous praise; organ music in the French tradition. 1971 Spong, Jon,comp.
Nashville, Broadman Press [1971] LC: M7.S76 I5
- Wolken uber Harnevi; roman [a novel]. 1941 Spong, Berit,1895- [German] Leipzig,
P. Reclam jun. [1941] LC: PT9875.S64 S65
- This Hebrew Lord. 1974 Spong, John Shelby. New York, Seabury Press [1974] LC:
BT301.2 .S65 Dewey: 232
- Die fuchsgrube, erzahlungen, 1942 Spong, Berit,1895- [German] Leipzig, P.
Reclam jun. [1942] LC: PT9875.S64 F8
- Living in sin? : a bishop rethinks human sexuality [by] John Shelby Spong : a
study guide for individuals and small groups 1995 by Judith Hegg. [San Francisco] :
HarperSanFrancisco, c1995. LC: BT708.S663 H44 1995 Dewey: 261.8/357 Not yet available at
the Library of Congress
- Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism : a bishop rethinks the meaning of
Scripture [by] John Shelby Spong : a study guide for individuals and small groups 1995 by
Jill Westberg McNamara. [San Francisco] : HarperSanFrancisco, c1995. LC: BS511.2 .M274
1995 Dewey: 220.6/01 Not yet available at the Library of Congress
- Song of the whale 1986 Rex Weyler. Garden City, N.Y. : Anchor Press/Doubleday,
1986. LC: QL31.S64 W49 1986 Dewey: 599.5/3
- Who was Jesus? 1993 N.T. Wright. Grand Rapids, Mich. : Eerdmans, 1993. LC:
BT301.9 .W75 1993 Dewey: 232.9/01 B
- The sportswoman's library. 1898 Slaughter, Frances Elizabeth,1851-ed.
Westminster, A. Constable & co., 1898. LC: GV709 .S63
- The Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Spong Hill, North Elmham. 1900 Dereham, Norfolk :
Norfolk Archaeological Unit, Norfolk Museums Service, <1984-1994> LC: DA670.E13 E13 no. 21, etc.
DA690.N553 Dewey: 936.2 s 936.2/614
- Three poems of Fiona MacLeod [op. 11] The pleasuredrome of Kubla Khan [op. 8]
Song of the dagger. Four German songs. Four impressions. Three tone-pictures [op. 5]
[Sound recording] 1976 Griffes, Charles Tomlinson,1884-1920. New World Records NW 273.
p1976. LC: M4
- Journalism and the student publication 1951 Maguire, Frederick W. New York,
Harper [1951] LC: LB3621 .M27
- Early American composition for organ (of the 18th and 19th centuries). 1968
Spong, Jon,comp. Nashville, Abingdon Press [1968] LC: M7.S76 E3
- Energy 1997 by Steve Parker ; [illustrators ... Steve Roberts, Clive Spong].
Milwaukee, Wis : Gareth Stevens Publ., 1997. LC: QC73.4 .P37 1997 Dewey: 530 Not yet
available at the Library of Congress
- Liberating the Gospels : reading the Bible with Jewish eyes : freeing Jesus
from 2,000 years of misunderstanding 1996 John Shelby Spong. [San Francisco, CA] :
HarperSanFrancisco, c1996. LC: BS2555.2 .S65 1996 Dewey: 226/.06
- Contemplation and celebration : organ music for the worship service 1972 Spong,
John. [French] Carol Stream, Ill. : Hope Pub. Co., [c1972] LC: M7 .C665
- A boy named Jesus 1997 Robert Aron ; introduction by John Shelby Spong.
Berkeley, CA : Ulysses Press, 1997. LC: BT330 .A713 1997 Dewey: 232.92/7 Not yet available
at the Library of Congress
- Changing women, changing church : festschrift to Patricia Brennan, Foundation
President of the Movement for the Ordination of Women 1992 [Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza
... et al.] ; edited by Marie Louise Uhr. Newtown, NSW : Millennium Books, c1992. LC:
BV639.W7 C434 1992 Dewey: 230/.082
- The Easter moment 1987 John Shelby Spong. San Francisco : Harper & Row,
1987, c1980. LC: BT481 .S68 1987 Dewey: 232/.5
- This Hebrew Lord 1988 John Shelby Spong. San Francisco : Harper & Row,
c1988. LC: BT202 .S667 1988 Dewey: 232
- Robot dynamics and control 1989 Mark W. Spong, M. Vidyasagar. New York : Wiley,
c1989. LC: TJ211.4 .S66 1989 Dewey: 629.8/92
- Living in sin? : a bishop rethinks human sexuality 1988 John Shelby Spong. San
Francisco : Harper & Row, c1988. LC: BT708 .S66 1988 Dewey: 261.8/357
- Beyond moralism : a contemporary view of the Ten commandments 1986 John Shelby
Spong, Denise G. Haines. San Francisco : Harper & Row, c1986. LC: BV4655 .S657 1986
Dewey: 241.5/2
- Reactive power : basics, problems, and solutions 1987 editor, Gerald B. Sheble
; sponsored by IEEE Power Engineering Education Committee and the IEEE Power System
Engineering Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society. New York, NY (345 E. 47th
St., New York 10017-2394) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ;
Piscataway, NJ : Available from Publication Sales Dept., IEEE Service Center, c1987. LC:
TK3226 .R378 1987 Dewey: 621.319/21
- Born of a woman : a bishop rethinks the birth of Jesus 1992 John Shelby Spong.
[San Francisco] : HarperSanFrancisco, c1992. LC: BT315.2 .S66 1992 Dewey: 232.92/1
- This Hebrew Lord : a bishop's search for the authentic Jesus 1993 John Shelby
Spong. [San Francisco] : HarperSanFrancisco, c1993. LC: BT202 .S667 1993 Dewey: 232
- Rescuing the Bible from fundamentalism : a bishop rethinks the meaning of
Scripture 1991 John Shelby Spong. [San Francisco, Calif.] : HarperSanFrancisco, c1991. LC:
BS511.2 .S69 1991 Dewey: 220.6/01
- Resurrection : myth or reality? : a bishop's search for the origins of
Christianity 1994 John Shelby Spong. [San Francisco, Calif.] : HarperSanFrancisco, c1994.
LC: BT481 .S684 1994 Dewey: 232/.5
- Percy, the small engine, and the scarf : a pop-up book 1994 W. Awdry ;
[pictures by Clive Spong]. London : Heinemann, 1994. LC: PZ7.A9613 Pc 1994 Dewey: [E]
- Thomas, the tank engine goes fishing 1992 W. Awdry ; [illustrated by Clive
Spong]. New York : Random House, 1992. LC: PZ7.A9613 Thd 1992 Dewey: [E]
- Percy, the small engine takes the plunge 1992 W. Awdry ; [illustrated by Clive
Spong]. New York : Random House, 1992. LC: PZ7.A9613 Pe 1992 Dewey: [E]
- Thomas, the tank engine and the tractor 1992 W. Awdry ; [illustrated by Clive
Spong]. New York : Random House, 1992. LC: PZ7.A9613 Thc 1992 Dewey: [E]
- Henry, the green engine and the tunnel 1992 W. Awdry ; [illustrated by Clive
Spong]. New York : Random House, 1992. LC: PZ7.A9613 Heg 1992 Dewey: [E]
- Robot control : dynamics, motion planning, and analysis 1993 edited by Mark W.
Spong, F.L. Lewis, C.T. Abdallah. New York : Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, c1993. LC: TJ211.35 .R63 1993 Dewey: 670.42/72
- What the Bible really says about homosexuality 1994 Daniel A. Helminiak ;
foreword by John S. Spong. San Francisco, CA : Alamo Square Press, c1994. LC: BS680.H67
H45 1994
- In the courts of the Lord : a gay priest's story 1994 James Ferry ; foreword by
John S. Spong. New York : Crossroad, 1994. LC: BX5620.F37 A3 1994 Dewey: 283/.092 B