My Playroom
This is the customary favorite links page. Mine are varied, some of them
are on the weirder side of the web. But I hope you will enjoy them.
Bead(Best) Sites
- Mining Co Guide to Beadwork
- A Fabulous site dedicated to beadwork, new projects weekly. Emily, the guide, is the Best!!!!
- Bead Faeries
- Another site for the beaders that are out there. This one is one of the best.
- Loom Beadwork
- This is a site for Loom beadwork made easy, instructions for building your own loom.
- The Beadworker
- This is Emily's personal site. She is the guide at the Mining Co site. I truly love her work.
- BeadNet
- This is the Bead all End all site .. It covers everything Beady. ;) Forgive my bad puns.
- Home of Beadnik
- This is a wonderful site, She has guest artists and Patterns, and lots more. Very talented Beader.
- Beading My Life Away
- This Site is definitly one for the Bead Fanatics.
Favorite Sites
- Bingozone
- A fun place to play bingo online for free. THE BEST SITE FOR BINGO
- Dr Ruth's Sexnet
- Dr Ruth answers questions, gives advice and makes sure you know about safe sex.
- Cat Tales
- Cat Tales is a nonprofit Zoological Park dedicated to the preservation of Endangered Felines. A really great place!!!
- The Smithsonian Institute Home Page.
- The starting page to the wonderful world of the Smithsonian.
- The Bingo Bugle.
- The newspaper for Bingo enthusists.
- The
- A site that has Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy and other great games.
- National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
- This site is great. Go and See for your self.
- Tests,Tests,Tests...
- This is one site that has a multitude of tests. IQ, Stress, Anxiety... and lots of others it is really fun to take some of them.
- Free Casino Games
- This site is one that is a totally free casino, you win tokens to exchange for prizes.
- This one is a brain game site, has puzzles, and games that make you think!!
HTML Help Sites
- HTML Goodies
- A fun place to get tutorials, and questions answered, I find myself going there to
brush up on the basics every now and then.
- Webreference.Com
- A place to help you find out different facts of Web authoring,design and misc.
- The Sevloid Guide to Web Design.
- A very wonderful site, that is practical yet fresh. I love it. :>
- Stevie: HTML Tutorial
- A great tutorial for beginning HTML, I used it quite a bit. and Loved it.
- BareBones Guide to HTML
- A another good guide to HTML.
- Laura Lemay's WebZone
- She is the author of really great book. Very thorough and concise. A great book to have, IMHO.
- HTML for Dummies.
- A good site to help those who like thier help in plain language.
Pagan/Occult Sites
Before I get the mass mail that I know will come. I offer these links to help those who don't understand the path I chose understand. I hope that you will respect my choices, as I respect all those that don't agree with me. I welcome email that encourages mature discussion, and rational thinking. Blessed Be.
- Witches' League for Public Awareness
- A site dedicated to breaking the negative image of witches.
- Pagan/Wiccan Religion
- A fine site from the Mining Co. Good Place to Get more information about the Pagan/Wiccan religions.
- The Wiccan Educational Resource Network
- For the Education of Witches/Wiccans, Informational.
- The Basics of Wicca
- The Title says it all...IT is the Basics of the way.
Please send mail toTerah if any links quit working.