My Playroom

This is the customary favorite links page. Mine are varied, some of them
are on the weirder side of the web. But I hope you will enjoy them.

Bead(Best) Sites
Mining Co Guide to Beadwork
A Fabulous site dedicated to beadwork, new projects weekly. Emily, the guide, is the Best!!!!
Bead Faeries
Another site for the beaders that are out there. This one is one of the best.
Loom Beadwork
This is a site for Loom beadwork made easy, instructions for building your own loom.
The Beadworker
This is Emily's personal site. She is the guide at the Mining Co site. I truly love her work.
This is the Bead all End all site .. It covers everything Beady. ;) Forgive my bad puns.
Home of Beadnik
This is a wonderful site, She has guest artists and Patterns, and lots more. Very talented Beader.
Beading My Life Away
This Site is definitly one for the Bead Fanatics.

Favorite Sites
A fun place to play bingo online for free. THE BEST SITE FOR BINGO
Dr Ruth's Sexnet
Dr Ruth answers questions, gives advice and makes sure you know about safe sex.
Cat Tales
Cat Tales is a nonprofit Zoological Park dedicated to the preservation of Endangered Felines. A really great place!!!
The Smithsonian Institute Home Page.
The starting page to the wonderful world of the Smithsonian.
The Bingo Bugle.
The newspaper for Bingo enthusists.
A site that has Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy and other great games.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
This site is great. Go and See for your self.
This is one site that has a multitude of tests. IQ, Stress, Anxiety... and lots of others it is really fun to take some of them.
Free Casino Games
This site is one that is a totally free casino, you win tokens to exchange for prizes.
This one is a brain game site, has puzzles, and games that make you think!!

HTML Help Sites
HTML Goodies
A fun place to get tutorials, and questions answered, I find myself going there to
brush up on the basics every now and then.
A place to help you find out different facts of Web authoring,design and misc.
The Sevloid Guide to Web Design.
A very wonderful site, that is practical yet fresh. I love it. :>
Stevie: HTML Tutorial
A great tutorial for beginning HTML, I used it quite a bit. and Loved it.
BareBones Guide to HTML
A another good guide to HTML.
Laura Lemay's WebZone
She is the author of really great book. Very thorough and concise. A great book to have, IMHO.
HTML for Dummies.
A good site to help those who like thier help in plain language.

Pagan/Occult Sites
Before I get the mass mail that I know will come. I offer these links to help those who don't understand the path I chose understand. I hope that you will respect my choices, as I respect all those that don't agree with me. I welcome email that encourages mature discussion, and rational thinking. Blessed Be.

Witches' League for Public Awareness
A site dedicated to breaking the negative image of witches.
Pagan/Wiccan Religion
A fine site from the Mining Co. Good Place to Get more information about the Pagan/Wiccan religions.
The Wiccan Educational Resource Network
For the Education of Witches/Wiccans, Informational.
The Basics of Wicca
The Title says it all...IT is the Basics of the way.

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Please send mail toTerah if any links quit working.