Elder Caregiver Resources

This page is dedicated to all of you out there who give willingly
of yourselves, your time and your love to provide home care to your
senior family members.

I was a home care provider for my Great Grandmother for the last 7 years
of her life. It is very difficult and time consuming work, but the inspiration
I got from her is and was worth all the time I put into it. I only hope
that those of you who are or will be going through something like this, will
use these resources to help you. PLEASE let me know if these links aren't valid any more.

Pansy Banner

Resource List

Family Caregiver Alliance
Supports and assists caregiversof brain-impaired adults through education, research, services and advocacy.
Be sure to check out their pages on Caregiving Factsheet, and Heart to Heart, caregiving tips.
Caregivers Bulletin Board
a bulletin board on the WWW, to talk with others in your position and a place to get answers.
Professional Discussions
A world of ElderCare resources, where professionals, and public can find out information on elder care giving.
Caregiver Survival Resources
A great place for caregiver resources. Has a great links list.
A Resource on Geriatric Bereavement.
AARP is good for a good many resources.
50+ Caregivers Support Group
If you are a caregiver, stress is a part of your daily life. This is a place to help.
Kates Place 2
This is where you will find information written by and for caregivers. A very warm and loving place. Must See!!!

IF you ever need someone to release to, or talk to, please write me.
I have been through almost everything with Gramma, and will listen to you
without judging you, your actions or your reactions.

Memorial poem to My Gram

Parlour Personal Info Playroom The customary Links page. Main Back to the Main Hall. HobbyNook My Place for Poetry and Art

Please email Terah if any links stop working or if you have resources that belong here. Thank you.
Dedicated to Ada. M. Elspas, I miss you, Gramma.